currÍculo santiago ribeiro

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Pintura - Santiago Ribeiro

José Manuel Santiago Ribeiro é natural de Coimbra. Divide a sua infância e juventude entre o meio rural e religiosoda Vila de Condeixa, onde morava, e uma cidade académica laica, vanguardista, revolucionária, onde estudava naEscola Avelar Brotero e na qual finalizou o curso técnico de Artes e Ofícios. Em 2006, ingressou na Escola Superiorde Educação de Coimbra. Organizou e participou em diversas exposições individuais e colectivas por todo o Paísencontrando-se a sua obra representada em diversas colecções particulares, estando também representado nacolecção de Arte Contemporânea do Museu Nacional Machado de Castro e na Fundação Bissaya Barreto, Coimbra.

Painting - Santiago Ribeiro José Manuel Santiago Ribeiro was born in Coimbra. He shared his childhood and youth between the rural andreligious environment of the village of Condeixa, where he lived, and the academic, secular, "avan-garde",revolutionairy University City of Coimbra, where he was studying. He attended Avelar Brotero ComprehensiveSchool in Coimbra, where he finished his Techinal Course of Arts and Crafts. In 2006 he joined a Higher EducationSchool, also in Coimbra. He organised and participated in numerous individual and collective artistic exhibitions.His work is represented in several private collections. He is also represented in the Collection of Contemporary Artof the National Museum Machado de Castro and in the Bissaya Barreto Foundation in Coimbra, Portugal, EuropeanUnion.

CURRICULUM VITAEPortugal:Braga Galeria Belo Belo 1995/96/97/98/99/2000 Marinha Grande Galeria de Arte Roca 1996/97/98 Miranda do Corvo (Vale de Silva) Atelier Alambique 1995 , Câmara Municipal 2002 Condeixa-a- Nova Câmara Municipal 1990 Salão da Quinta do Travaz 1996 , Medieval Paço da Ega 2014 Pombal Galeria IB 1996 Viseu Região de Turismo Dão Lafões 1996 , Museu Grão Vasco 2009 Leiria Galeria Quatro 1997 Barcelos Galeria Pop Cave 1997 Castelo Branco Galeria Manuela Cruz 1998 Figueira da Foz Galeria do Casino 1999 , Galeria Rastro 2004/2007 , Cantanhede Artis Galeria 2000, Casa da Cultura 2011 Fundão Quatro Azuis 2000 Seia Artis I 2002 , Artis VII 2008 Lousã Museu Mun. Prof. Álvaro Vieira de Lemos 2002 , Palácio da Lousã 2014 Torres Vedras Galeria Fábrica das Artes 2000 , Lisboa Parque das Nações 1999 Galeria Artes D´Ontem 2001/2002, Galeria CA 2013, Conimbriga Museu de Conimbriga 1995/2002/ 2010/2011/2012 Batalha Exposalão 2002 Guarda Galeria Época 2003 Ançã Galeria Quinta da Sobreira Quinhentista 2006 Montemor-o-Velho Galeria Municipal 2007 Penela Espaço Museu Villa Romana do Rabaçal 2008 Mira Espaço Contrabaixo 2006/2009 Nazaré Galeria Pedra do Guilhim 2007 Vila Moura Galeria Atlântica 2010 Lamego Museu de Lamego 2011 Portalegre Galeria de São Sebastião 2011 Anadia Casa da Cultura 2011 , Amadora Casa Roque Gameiro 2012 Sintra Casa da Cultura 2012 Madeira Museu Eletricidade Casa da Luz Funchal 2012 , Casa da Cultura de Santa Cruz2013,, Setúbal Casa da Cultura 2012 Trofa Casa da Cultura, 2013, Vendas Novas 18 th International Exhibition AuditórioMunicipal 2013, Porto Gallery Hostel 2014 /2016, Galeria Vieira Portuense 2014 , Coimbra Atelier S. Francisco 1995/2005, Instituto Português da Juventude 1996, Hotel D. Luís 1997, Galeria Stª Clara 1999, Inatel 1999, Hotel Mélia Confort 2000, HUC 2006/2010, IV Mostra de Arte do ISEC 2007, Galeria Minerva 2001/2002/2004/2006/2008/2009, Galeria Paletro 2006, Galeria Almedina 2002/2006, Ordem dos Advogados 2005, Galeria Rastro 2004, TAGV 2007, Ordem dos Médicos 2009, Convento de S. Francisco 2004/2008, Casa Municipal da Cultura 1997/2000/2002/2003/2007/2008, Hotel Quinta dasLágrimas 1997 /2002/2003/2005/2010, Museu Moinho das Lapas 2010, 2012, Casa Museu Bissaya Barreto 2005/2007/2008/2009, Fundação Bissaya Barreto, Convento Sant´Anna, International Exhibition 2010 Surrealism Now/ 2010. Still Is Coimbra, 2011 , Espaço Partícula Coimbra, 2016.

Madrid (Spain ) Galeria Pró Art 1999, Galeria EMMA 2012 Nantes (France ) Anual de Nantes 2007 Florence (Italy) Bienal 2009, Warsaw (Poland ) Golik Gallery 2010, Moscovo (Russia) Gallery A3 Geysers subconsciousness-6 2010 , Yin-Yang - "The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia" 2011/ 12, Geysers Subconsciousness -7 and 8 Art Space Plum Palm 2011/12 Granada (Spain ) Fiarte 2011/12, Museu Instituto Americas 2013. Casa da Cultura de Maracena 2013. Barcelona ( Spain ) Gallery D´Art y Disseny Patrícia Muñoz 2012, Crisolart Gallery 2013 Paris (France ) Dorothy´s Gallery 2012 , Mairie Garches 2012, Cosulado Geral Portugal 2014, Atelier Gustave 2016 Kovim (Sérvia) Cultural Centre 2012 Belgrade (Serbia ) Gallery Progres 2012 Paracin (Serbia) Cultural Centre 2012 Tuzla (Bósnia Herzegovina) Gallery CM 2012 (Macedónia) Art Gallery Kumanovo 2012 Resica (Romania) Gallery Agora2012 Timisoara (Romania) Academy of Fine Arts 2012 (Montenegro) Cultural Centre Herceg Novi 2012 Podgorica (Montenegro) Gallery Pizana 2012 Pljelja (Montenegro) Art gallery Vitomir Srbljanovic 2012 (Serbia) Cultural Centre Leskovac 2012, Dallas, Texas ( United States ) LuminArte Gallery 2013, 2014 Berlin (Germany) Fellini Gallery 2013, Oizumi ( Japan ) Cultural Center Bunkamura de Oizumi 2014, Ota ( Japan ) Gallery Eki Naka 2014, Los Angeles ( United States ) Latino Art Museum 2014, Mississippi State University ( United States ) Cullis Wade Depot Art Gallery, 2016.


TaglineSantiago Ribeiro, artist painter. independent regimeIntroductionABOUT SANTIAGO RIBEIRO from UNITED PHOTO PRESS WORLD Org. -,

The Portuguese artist, born in Condeixa-a-Nova and living in Coimbra, has shown his artworks with great regularity in Portugal and in other European countries, including Lisbon, Paris, Nantes, Belgrade, Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Moscow, Berlin, Warsaw, Florence, Podgorica, Montenegro, Timisoara in Romania and Dallas in Texas.

He is the driving force and the promoter of the international project "Surrealism Now", which started in 2010, organized by the Bissaya Barreto Foundation.

Recently, the "Surrealism Now" exhibition was held in Lisbon, as a result of a partnership with artist Victor Lages.

Santiago Ribeiro has publicized and promoted his work on the internet, through social networks and blogs, thereby having received numerous invitations to exhibit his art in various parts of the globe."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press and texts:

Ironizando com relação entre o Homem e Mundo, Santiago Ribeiro apresenta diversos trabalhos muito imaginativos e originais. Neles as cidades crescem até ao cume das montanhas, as estradassão ocupadas por grupos de nudistas e as Igrejas possuem retábulos com imagens de Cristos completamente despidos e sedutores.

Visão 7, 22/03/2001

With ironic relationship between Man and World, Santiago Ribeiro presents several very imaginative and original artworks. In these cities grow to the summit of the mountains, the roads are occupied by nudists groups and churches have altars with images of Christ's compelety naked and seductive.

Visão 7 magazine, 22/03/2001-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A pintura de Santiago Ribeiro dá-nos o real e o avesso, o irreal e a sua penumbra, o movimento e a sua hipérbole, como o gosto do semeador que acaricia a seara. Se o traço é surrealista o que os seus quadros nos mostram, num justo equílibrio de cores, é uma realidade outra, como se as figuras que nos interpelam fossem as nossas próprias sombras levantadas do fundo da memória.

António Arnaut ( poeta e escriitor )

Painting of Santiago Ribeiro gives us the real and the inside out, the unreal and its semi-darkness, the movement and its hyperbole, like the taste of the sower that caresses the harvest. If the trait is surrealist what his paintings show us, in a fair balance of colors, is another reality, as if the figures that challenge us were our own shadows lifted from the depths of memory.

António Arnaut ( poet and writer )

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rightsTechnical course of Arts at Avelar Brotero School. In 2006 joined the School of Education of Coimbra at the course Art & Design

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