basic course - inglês

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Curso Básico de Ingles


Basic Course (Curso Bsico) Instructions: The dialogues should be orally in class until mastered by the students. (Os dilogos devem ser orais em classe at o domnio pelos estudantes). Oral drills are presented in conversation form. They serve to illustrate the grammar parts that follow. (So apresentadas brocas orais em forma de conversao. Eles servem para ilustrar as partes de gramtica que seguem). The grammar parts may be explained by the teacher in Portuguese. However, they should be illustrated with examples. (As partes de gramtica podem ser explicadas pela professora em portugus. Porm, eles deveriam ser ilustrados com exemplos). The exercises that follow the grammar parts pertain to previously given explanations. (Os exerccios que seguem as partes de gramtica pertencem previamente a determinadas explicaes). The readings should be read aloud in class with the students repetition. The teacher may aid the students with the translation if necessary. (As leituras devem ser lidas em voz alta em classe com a repetio do estudante. O professor pode ajudar os estudantes com a traduo se necessrio). For beginners, the teacher may use the reading parts to motivate them. It will help to stimulate their interest in the subject. (Para novatos, o professor poder usar a leitura separada para os motivar. Ajudar estimular o interesse deles no assunto). The reading parts may also be used for dictations. The teacher should practice them several times before giving them to the class. (As partes de leitura tambm podem ser usadas para ditados. O professor deveria os praticar vrias vezes antes de dar classe). The teacher may also use the readings for special home works, thus, motivating the student. (O professor tambm pode usar as leituras para trabalhos de casa especiais, assim, motivando o estudante). First Part. Unit 1: Demonstratives singular This is a rocket. (Este um foguete.) - What is this? (O que isto?) - It is a rocket. ( um foguete). That is a ship. (Isso um navio.) - What is that? (O que isso?) - It is a ship. This is a spaceship. (Esta uma astronave.) - What is this? - It is a spaceship.

This is a helicopter. (Este um helicptero.) - What is this? - It is a helicopter. That is a truck. (Isso um caminho.) - What is that? - It is a truck This is a radar station. (Esta uma estao de radar). - What is this? - It is a radar station. That is a bus. (Isso um nibus). - What is that? - It is a bus. That is a train. (Isso um trem) - What is that? - It is a train. That is a jet airplane. (Isso um avio de jato). - What is that? - It is a jet airplane. That is a flying saucer. (Isso um pires voador). - What is that? - It is a flying saucer. Unit 2: Demonstratives plural These are rockets. (Estes so foguetes). - What are these? (O que so estes?) - They are rockets. (Eles so foguetes). These are spaceships. - What are these? - They are spaceship. Those are ships. (Esses so navios). - What are those? (O que esses?). - They are ships. These are helicopters. - What are these? - They are helicopters.

Those are buses. - What are those? - They are buses. Those are trucks. - What are those? - They are trucks. These are radar stations. - What are these? - They are radar stations. Those are trains. - What are those? - They are trains. Those are jet airplanes. - What are those? - They are jet airplanes. Those are flying saucers. - What are those? - They are flying saucers. Unit 3: Personal pronouns What is she? (quem ela?) She is an actress. (ela uma atriz). What are you? (quem voc?) I am a student. (eu sou um estudante). What am I? (quem sou eu?) You are a boxer. (voc um boxeador) What is he? (quem ele?) He is a preacher. (ele um orador). What are you? (quem voc?) We are scientists. (Ns somos cientistas). What are they? (quem so eles?) They are painters. (eles so pintores). What are they? (quem so eles?) They are racing cars. (eles so corredores de carro).

Unit 4: ROBERT: hello, Susan. How are you? (Ol, Susan. Como est voc?) SUSAN: I am fine. How are you? (eu estou bem. Como est voc?) ROBERT: fine, thanks. (Bem, obrigada). SUSAN: well, Robert. Im going now. So long. (Bom, Robert. Eu vou agora. (At logo). ROBERT: so long, Susan. Good bye. (At logo, Susan. Bom Adeus). What is this? (o que isto?) This is a pencil. (isto um lpis) What are these? (o que so estes?) These are pencils (estes so lpis). What is this? (o que isto?) This is a pen. (isto uma caneta). What are these? (o que so estas?) These are pens. (estas so canetas). What is this? This is a rouler. (esta uma rgua). What are these? These are rulers. What is that? (o que aquilo?) That is a chair. (aquilo uma cadeira). What are those? (o que so aquelas?) Those are chairs. (aquelas so cadeiras.) What is that? (o que isso?) That is a book. (isso um livro.) What are those? (o que so aqueles?) Those are books. (aqueles so livros) What is that? (o que aquilo?) That is a desk. (Isso uma escrivaninha). What are those? (o que so aquelas?) Those are desks. (aquelas so escrivaninhas).

Grammar: Demonstratives Singular: THIS (near = prximo ou perto): este, esta ou isto.

THAT (distance = distante): aquele, aquela, aquilo; esse, essa, isso. Plural: THESE: estes, estas. THOSE: aqueles, aquelas. Note: 1) The demonstratives THIS and THESE are used to indicate nearness of persons, animals or things: This pen is here. These pens are here. (os demonstrativos ISTO e ESTES so usados para indicar proximidade de pessoas, animais ou coisas: Esta caneta est aqui. Estas canetas esto aqui). 2) The demonstratives THAT and THOSE are used to indicate persons, animals or things at a distance: That car is there. Those cars are there. (os demonstrativos QUE e ESSES so usados para indicar as pessoas, animais ou coisas a uma distncia: Aquele carro est l. Esses carros esto l). Exercise: Fill in the blanks with THIS or THESE and THAT or THOSE: (Preencha os espaos em branco com ISTO ou ESTES e QUE- aquele-aquilo ou ESSES): 1. This is a racing car. (Este um carro de corrida). 2. This girl is a student. (Esta menina uma estudante). 3. These books are here. (Estes livros esto aqui). 4. These trucks are modern. (Estes caminhes so modernos). 5. These boys are students. (Estes rapazes so estudantes) 6. This train is old. (Este trem velho). 7. These scientists are friends. (Estes cientistas so amigos). 8. This is a house. (Esta uma casa). 9. This is a new flag. (Esta uma bandeira nova). 10. These are buses. (Estes so nibus). 11. That is a rocket. (Isso um foguete) 12. That pen is very old. (Essa caneta muito velha). 13. Those boys are students. (Esses rapazes so estudantes). 14. Those helicopters are new. (Esses helicpteros so novos). 15. That is a good chair. (Essa uma boa cadeira). 16. Those jets are very beautiful. (Esses jatos esto muito bonitos). 17. Those cars are new. (Esses carros so novos). 18. Those are trains. (Aqueles so trens). 19. That is a ship. (Aquilo um navio). 20. That is a ruler. (Isso uma rgua). William Penn Pensylvania is a state of the *USA. The capital of Pensylvania is Harrisburg. Philadelphia is an important city of Pensylvania. The name of the founder of Pensylvania is William Penn. The Liberty Bell is in Philadelphia. It is a symbol of liberty. It is a monument that many Americans visit during the year.

*USA = United States of America. Pensilvnia um estado dos *EUA. A capital da Pensilvnia Harrisburgo. Filadlfia uma importante cidade da Pensilvnia. O nome do fundador da Pensilvnia Willian Penn. O Sino da Liberdade est na Filadlfia. Ele um smbolo da liberdade. Ele um monumento que muitos americanos visitam durante o ano. *EUA = Estados Unidos da Amrica. Questions: 1. Is Pennsylvania a state? R: yes, it is a state. 2. Is the capital of Pennsylvania Harrisburg? R: yes, Harrisburg is the capital of Pennsylvania. 3. Is Philadelphia an important city? R: yes, it is an important city. 4. What is the name of the founder of Pennsylvania? R: the name of founder is William Penn. 5. Is the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia? R: Yes, it is in Philadelphia. 6. What is the Liberty Bell? R: it is a monument that is symbol of liberty. 7. Is the Liberty Bell a symbol? R: yes, it is symbol of liberty. Vocabulary: About: a respeito de; a cerca de; sobre. Beautiful: bonito; belo. Bell: Sino. During: Durante. Founder: fundador Here: aqui. How: Como. Many: muitos Near: prximo, perto. Of: de Old: velho Place: lugar, localidade Symbol: smbolo There: l Well: bem What: que, o qual Where: onde Who: quem Year: ano. What are the days of the week? The day of de week are: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Unit 5:

MR LEE: Good morning, Miss Brown. (Bom dia, Senhorita Brown) MISS BROWN: Good morning, Mr. Lee. How are you? (Bom dia, Sr. Lee. Como est voc?) MR LEE: Im fine, thanks. And you? (Eu estou bem, obrigado. E voc?) MISS BROWN: Fine, thanks. (Bem, obrigada). MR LEE: Where are you going this morning? (Onde voc vai esta manh?) MISS BROWN: Im going to the market. See you later, Mr. Lee. (Eu vou para o mercado. At logo mais, Sr. Lee). MR LEE: All right, Miss Brown. See you later. (Certo, Senhorita Brown. At logo mais). This is a pen. (Esta uma caneta). - What is this? - It is a pen. That is an orange. (Isso uma laranja). - What is that? - It is an orange. That is an egg. (Isso um ovo). - Is this an orange too? - No, this is not an orange. It is an egg. - Is that an egg too? - No, that is not an egg. It is a pencil. (No, isso no um ovo. um lpis). This is an apple. (Esta uma ma). - What is this? - It is an apple. This is a tree. (Esta uma rvore). - What is this? - It is a tree. - Is this a tree too? - No, this is not a tree. It is a car. - Is that a car too? - No, that is not a car. It is an airplane. This is a house. (Esta uma casa). - What is this? - It is a house. - It is a house too? - No, this is not a house. It is a horse. (No, esta no uma casa. um cavalo). This is an hour hand. (Este um relgio de hora). - What is this? - It is an hour hand. - Is this an hour hand too?


No, this is not an hour hand. It is a minute-hand. (No, este no um relgio de hora. um relgio de minuto).

Grammar: Indefinite articles: A, AN A is used: (A usado:) 1) Before a consonant sound: it is a book. (antes de um som de consoante: um livro) 2) Before aspirated H: it is a horse. (antes de H aspirado: um cavalo). AN is used: (AN usado) 1) Before a vowel sound: it is an orange. (antes de um som voclico: uma laranja). 2) Before a silent H: Peter is an honest man. (antes de um H silencioso: Peter um homem honesto). Note: 1) We use the indefinite articles only with things that we can count: a pen, a horse, an egg, etc. (ns s usamos os artigos indefinidos com coisas que ns podemos contar: uma caneta, um cavalo, um ovo, etc). 2) We never use indefinite articles with things that we cannot count: milk, water, etc. (ns nunca usamos artigos indefinidos com coisas que ns no podemos contar: leite, gua, etc). 3) We never use indefinite articles with plural nouns: pens, books, houses, etc. (ns nunca usamos artigos indefinidos com substantivos plurais: canetas, livros, casas, etc). Definite Article The definite article THE is invariable in gender and number. (O artigo definido The invarivel em gnero e nmero). EX: The girl The boy; The girls The boys. Exercises: Fill in the blanks with A or AN (Encha nos espaos em branco com A ou AN) 1. It is a car 2. It is a book 3. It is a pen. 4. It is an orange 5. It is a horse. 6. It is an honest man 7. It is an elephant 8. It is an exercise 9. It is an hour hand 10. It is a house 11. This is an ant 12. This is an apple.

13. This is an eraser 14. This is a monkey 15. That is an animal 16. She is an American 17. This is an English lesson 18. He is a student 19. He is a man 20. This is a ruler. Nat King Cole Rei Americans always remember Nat Cole. He is dead now, but Americans remember his songs. He was in Brazil and other countries in South America. His voice is very popular. The public love his music and his personality. He is remembered as a top singer of the USA. Americanos sempre se lembram de Nat Cole. Ele est agora morto, mas os americanos se lembram das canes dele. Ele esteve no Brasil e outros pases na Amrica do Sul. A voz dele muito popular. O pblico ama a msica e a personalidade dele. Ele lembrado como cantor de topo do E.U.A. Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Who always remembers Nat Cole? R: are The Americans. Are Nat Cole dead? R: yes, it is dead. Who remember his songs? R: are the Americans. Was he in Brazil? R: yes, he is in Brazil. Is his voice popular? R: yes, his voice is very popular. Who loves his music? R: is the public. Is he a top singer of the USA? R: yes, he is.

Vocabulary: Always: sempre Among: entre (mais de duas coisas ou pessoas) Ant: formiga. Dead: morto. Eraser: apagador. Horse: cavalo. Man: homem. Market: mercado. Monkey: macaco. Now: agora. Other: outro. To remember: lembrar-se. Singer: cantor Song: cano. Top: maior, melhor. Voice: voz. Was: foi, era.

Numbers Cardinal: 1. One. 2. Two. 3. Three 4. Four 5. Five 6. Six 7. Seven 8. Eight 9. Nine 10. Ten. Ordinal: The first 1st The second 2nd The third 3rd The fourth 4th The fifth 5th The sixth 6th The seventh 7th The eighth 8th The ninth 9th The tenth 10th 1) They are used for the days of the months: The second of July 1965 or July second, 1965. 2) The ordinal numbers frequently demand THE: the first man on the moon. Opposites: Day night (dia noite) White black (branco preto) High low (alto baixo) Good bad (bom mau) Beautiful ugly (bonito feio) Late early (tarde cedo) Many few (muito pouco) More less (mais menos) First last (primeiro ultimo) To make to bring (fazer trazer) To open to close (abrir fechar) To go to come (ir vir) Unit 6: MR. WALKER: Good morning, Mrs. Stone (Bom dia, Senhora Stone)

MRS. STONE: Oh! Yes (surprised) Good morning. Please, give me a loaf of bread. (Oh! Sim (surpresa) bom dia. Por favor, me d um po). MR. WALKER: Of course, in just a second. (Claro que, em s um Segundo). MRS. STONE: Please hurry, I have to prepare breakfast. (Por favor, se apresse, eu tenho que preparar o caf da manh). MR. WALKER: Here it is. Thanks. (Aqui est. Obrigado). MRS. STONE: You are welcome. Good bye. (Voc bem-vindo. At logo). MR. WALKER: Good-bye. (Adeus) Is there a pencil on the desk? (H um lpis na escrivaninha?) No, there is not. There is a ruler on it. (No, no h. H uma rgua nesta). Is there a rose in the vase? (H uma rosa no vaso?) No, there is not. There is a carnation in it. (No, no h. H um cravo neste). Is there an egg in the basket? (H um ovo na cesta?) No, there is not. There is a puppy in it. (No, no h. H um filhote de cachorro nesta). Are there two cows in the field? (H duas vacas no campo?) No, there are not. There are two horses in it. (No, no h. H dois cavalos neste). Are there three cars in the park? (H trs carros no parque?) No, there are not. There are four trees in it. (No, no h. H quatro rvores neste). Are there two birds on the tree? (Est l dois pssaros na rvore). No, there are not. There are three monkeys on it. (No, no h. H trs macacos nesta).

Grammar: There is There are (verbo: haver, existir) THERE IS and THERE ARE - are used to indicate the presence of persons, animals or things in a particular place. (so usados para indicar a presena de pessoas, animais ou coisas em um lugar particular). Present Tense (affirmative) Singular: THERE IS Plural: THERE ARE Present Tense (negative) Singular: There is not. Plural: There are not. Present Tense (interrogative)

Is there? Are There? Note: in conversation we use: There is a calendar on the wall instead of A calendar is on the wall. (em conversao ns usamos: H um calendrio na parede em vez de UM calendrio est na parede). Exercises: 1. There is a church in this city. (H uma igreja nesta cidade). 2. There are two churches in this city. (H duas igrejas nesta cidade). 3. There is a brush on the desk. (H uma escova na escrivaninha). 4. There are two brushes on the desk. (H duas escovas na escrivaninha). 5. There is a glass on the table. (H um copo na mesa). 6. There are three glasses on the table. (H trs culos na mesa). 7. There is a fox in the cage. Is there a fox in the cage? (H uma raposa na gaiola. H uma raposa na gaiola?). 8. There are three foxes in the cave. Are there three foxes in the cave? (H trs raposas na caverna. H trs raposas na caverna?). 9. There is a topaz in the Box. Is there a topaz in the box? (H um topzio na Caixa. H um topzio na caixa?). 10. There are ten students in this class. Are there ten students in this class? (H dez estudantes nesta classe. H dez estudantes nesta classe?). 11. There is a tree in the garden. Is there a tree in the garden? (H uma rvore no jardim. H uma rvore no jardim?) 12. There are two roses in the vase. Are there two roses in the vase? (H duas rosas no vaso. H duas rosas no vaso?) 13. There is a car on the street. Is there a car on the street? (H um carro na rua. H um carro na rua?). 14. There is a map on the wall. Is there a map on the wall? (H um mapa na parede. H um mapa na parede?). 15. There are two English books on the table. Are there two English books on the table? (H dois livros de ingls na mesa. H dois livros de ingls na mesa?). 16. There are five roses in the garden. Are there five roses in the garden? (H cinco rosas no jardim. H cinco rosas no jardim?). 17. There is a monkey on the tree. There is not a monkey on the tree. (H um macaco na rvore. No h um macaco na rvore). 18. There are not buffalos in the field. (No h bfalos no campo). 19. There is not an eraser on the desk. (No h uma borracha na escrivaninha). 20. There are not cows and horses in the field. (No h vacas e cavalos no campo). 21. There is not a man in the room. (No h homens no quarto). 22. There is not a lion in the circus. (No h lees no circo). 23. There is not a window in the room. (No h uma janela no quarto). 24. There is a boy in the classroom. (H um rapaz na sala de aula). 25. There are two men in the house. (H dois homens na casa).

26. There are five boys in the high school. (H cinco rapazes na escola secundria). 27. There are two doors in the house. (H duas portas na casa). 28. There are two chairs in the kitchen. (H duas cadeiras na cozinha). Walt Disney World There are many amusement parks in the USA. Disneyland and Disney World are wonderful creations of Walt Disney. Walt Disney World is located at Lake Buena Vista, Miami, Florida. There are people from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cities in Walt Disney World. Another name for the Walt Disney World is The Magic Kingdom. Children from everywhere visit Walt Disney World. H muitos parques de diverso nos E.U.A. Disneylndia e Disney do Mundo so criaes maravilhosas de Walt Disney. Walt Disney do Mundo fica situado no Lago Boa Vista, Miami, Flrida. H pessoas de Nova Iorque, Filadlfia, Baltimore e outras cidades em Walt Disney Mundo O Reino Mgico. Crianas de todos os lugares visitam Walt Disney Mundo. Questions: 1. Are there many amusement parks in the USA? R: yes, there are many amusement parks in the USA. 2. What are the creations of Walt Disney? R: are the Disneyland and Disney World. 3. Are Disneyland and Walt Disney World in Miami, Florida? R: yes, Walt Disney World is located at Lake Buena Vista, Miami, Florida. 4. Where is Walt Disney World located? R: Walt Disney World is located at Lake Buena Vista, Miami, Florida. 5. Are there people from Philadelphia in Disneyland? R: yes, there are people from Philadelphia in Disneyland. 6. What is another name for Walt Disney World? R: another name for the Walt Disney World is the Magic Kingdom. 7. Are there children in Walt Disney World? R: yes, there are children from everywhere. 8. Is the Magic Kingdom for children? R: yes, the Magic Kingdom is for children. Vocabulary: Amusement: diverso. Another: outro, outra. Box: caixa. Breakfast: caf da manh. Brush: escova. Child, children: criana (s). Church: igreja. Cows: vaca. Field: campo. Fox: raposa.

To give, gave, given: dar. High school: escola secundria. Kingdom: reino. Lion: leo. Loaf of bread: filo de po. To locate: situar, localizar. Milk: leite. Of course: naturalmente. People: pessoas, gente. Puppy: cachorrinho. Welcome: bem vindo Wonderful: maravilhoso. World: mundo Yard: quintal. Numbers: Cardinal: 11- eleven 12- twelve 13- thirteen 14- fourteen 15- fifteen 16- sixteen 17- seventeen 18- eighteen 19- nineteen 20- twenty Ordinal: The eleventh 11th The twelfth 12th The thirteenth 13th The fourteenth 14th The fifteenth 15th The sixteenth 16th The seventeenth 17th The eighteenth 18th The nineteenth 19th The twentieth 20th Exercises: 1. How mush is two and two? Two and two are four. 2. How mush is one and three? One and three are four. 3. How mush is three and three? Three and three are six. 4. How mush is four and two? Four and two are six. 5. How mush is one and four? One and four are five. 6. How mush is five and five? Five and five are ten.

7. How mush is four and three? Four and three are seven. 8. How mush is four and four? Four and four are eight. 9. How mush is seven and two? Seven and two are nine. 10. How mush is nine and one? Nine and one are ten. 11. How mush is five and three? Five and three are eight. Unit 7 FRED: Good afternoon, John. Where are you going? (Boa Tarde, John. Aonde voc vai?) JOHN: I am going to the playground. (Eu vou para o Jogo de Cho) FRED: What are you going to do there? (O que voc vai fazer l?) JOHN: I am going to play football with my friends. (Eu vou jogar futebol americano com meus amigos). FRED: Im going with you, John. (Eu vou com voc, John). JOHN: All right. Lets go now. (Certo. Vamos agora). Whose pen is this? (De quem esta caneta?) That is Peters pen. (Essa a caneta de Peter). Whose book is this? (De quem este livro?) This is Marys book. (Este livro de Mary). Whose hats are those? (De quem so esses chapus) Those are those womens hats. (Esses so os chapus dessas mulheres) Whose cat is that? (De quem esse gato?) It is that womans cat. (Esse gato da mulher). Whose dresses are these? (De quem so esses vestidos?) These are those ladies dresses. (Estes so vestidos de senhoras). Whose toys are those? (De quem so esses brinquedos?) Those are that girls toys. (Esses brinquedos so da garota).

Grammar The Possessive case: The possessive case is used to denote a possessor. This pencil belongs to Peter. It is Peters pencil. It is his pencil. (Este lpis pertence a Peter. o lpis de Peter. o lpis dele). Peters is in the possessive form, because the S indicates that the pencil belongs to him. Peter owns the pencil. (Peter est na forma possessiva, porque o ' S indica que o lpis pertence a ele. Peter possui o lpis). The genitive case is used in two ways: (O caso de genitivo usado de dois modos): 1- Saxon way = S 2- Norman way = OF

Singular possessor + S = possessive case, singular S Plural possessor + = possessive case, plural S Exception: these nouns are plural, but do not end in S: (estes substantivos so plurais, mas no termina em S): The mens money. (O dinheiro dos homens). The mices tails. (Os rabos dos ratos). The womens hats. (Os chapus das mulheres). The childrens toys. (os brinquedos das crianas). The geeses feathers. (As penas dos gansos). Note: 1) The Saxon way is generally used for animate beings: (O modo de Saxon geralmente usado para seres animados): Peters pencil is sharp. (O lpis de Peter afiado). 2) The Norman way is generally used for inanimate things: (o modo normal geralmente usado para coisas inanimadas): The doors of the house are red. (as portas da casa so vermelhas). 3) The definite article THE is not used before proper nouns: Marys pen. (o artigo definido THE no usado antes de substantivos prprios: A caneta de Mary). Exercises: 1. The shoes of Betty. Bettys shoes. (Os sapatos de Betty. Os sapatos de Betty). 2. Peters pen. (A caneta de Peter). 3. Marys hat. (O chapu de Mary) 4. The students books. (os livros de estudantes). 5. The mans money. (O dinheiro do homem). 6. The teachers erasers. (As borrachas dos professores). 7. The childrens cats. (Os gatos das crianas). 8. The womens husbands. (Os maridos das mulheres). 9. Mrs. Whites daughter. (A filha da Senhora White). 10. Mens book. (o livro dos homens). 11. Horses legs. (As pernas do cavalo). 12. Girls hat. (O chapu das garotas). 13. Boys dog. (O cachorro dos meninos). 14. Bill1s pen is very long. (O lpis de Bill muito longo). 15. Ladies dresses are new. (Os vestidos das senhoras so novos). 16. Mans car is here. (O carro do homem est aqui). 17. Farmers horse is in the field. (O cavalo do fazendeiro est no campo). 18. Johns pen is on the table. (O lpis de John est na mesa). 19. Teachers books are in the bookcase. (Os livros de professor esto na estante de livros).

20. Students uniforms are blue. (Os uniformes dos estudantes so azuis). 21. Mr. Roberts son is not here. (O filho do senhor Robert no est aqui). 22. Boys orange is yellow. (A laranja do menino amarela). 23. Girls hat is in the drawer. (O chapu da menina est na gaveta). 24. Johns shirt is pretty. (A camisa de John bonita). 25. Harrys trousers are long. (As calas compridas de Harry so longas). Disneyland Disneyland is located near Los Angeles, California. It is a place where children and adults spend their holidays. Sir Walter Disney is the creator of this marvelous paradise. Disneyland is open to the public. There are many types of amusement in Disneyland. There are real cowboys, Indians and many other reminders of the old American West. There are also many amusement such as submarines, rockets, trains, etc. in fantasyland there are witches, old castles, Alice in wonderland, etc. Disneylndia Disneylndia localizada prxima a Los Angeles, Califrnia. um local onde crianas e adultos gastam os feriados deles. O Senhor Walter Disney o criador deste maravilhoso paraso. Disneylndia aberta para o pblico. H muitos tipos de diverso em Disneylndia. H vaqueiros reais, ndios e muitas outras lembranas do velho oeste americano. H tambm muita diverso como uns submarinos, foguetes, trens, etc. Na Terra da Fantasia h bruxas, velhos castelos, Alice na Terra das Maravilhas, etc. Questions: 1. Where is Disneyland? R: It is located near Los Angeles, California. 2. Who spends their holidays there? R: are children and adults. 3. Who is the creator of Disneyland? R: Sir Walter Disney. 4. Is Disneyland open to the public? R: yes, it is open public. 5. Are there amusements in Disneyland? R: yes, there are many types of amusement. 6. Are the Indians and cowboys in Disneyland real? R: yes, there are real cowboys and Indians. 7. Are there modern amusements in Disneyland? R: yes, there are submarines, rockets, trains and others. 8. Are there rockets in Disneyland? R: yes, there are rockets. Vocabulary: Adult: adulto. Castle: castelo. Creator: criador. Daughter: filha. To do, did, done: fazer. Fantasy: fantasia. Husband: marido.

Land: terra. Leg: perna. Lets go: vamos. Marvelous: maravilhoso. To play: jogar. Reminder: vestgios, remanescentes. Shoes: sapatos Trousers: calas. To wait: esperar. West: oeste Wonderland: pas das maravilhas. Witches: bruxas. The months of the year (Os meses do ano): What are the months of the year? The months of the year are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Spring (primavera/ fonte): March, April and May. Summer (vero): June, July and August. Autumn (outono): September, October and November. Winter (inverno): December, January and February. Exercises: 1. What is the first month of the year? R: the first month of the year is January. 2. What is the second month of the year? R: the second month of the year is February. 3. The third month of the year is March. 4. The fourth month of the year is April. 5. The fifth month of the year is May. 6. The sixth month of the year is June. 7. The seventh month of the year is July. 8. The eighth month of the year is August. 9. The ninth month of the year is September. 10. The tenth month of the year is October. 11. The eleventh month of the year is November. 12. The twelfth month of the year is December. Unit 8 MARY: Hello, Mr. Smith. How are you? (Ol, Sr. Smith. Como est Voc?) MR. SMITH: Fine, thanks. (Bem, obrigado), MARY: What are these? (O que isto?) MR. SMITH: These are examination papers. (Estes so documentos de exames). MARY: are they corrected? (Eles esto corretos?) MR. SMITH: No, they are going to be corrected tonight. (No, eles vo ser corrigidos hoje noite). MARY: May I see them? (Eu posso os ver?)

MR. SMITH: Im sorry, but you cant. Well, so long, Mary. (Eu sinto muito, mas voc no pode. Bem, at logo, Mary). MARY: so long, Mr. Smith. (At logo, Sr. Smith). Am I a teacher? (Eu sou um professor?) Yes, you are a teacher. (Sim, voc um professor). Are you a student? (Voc um estudante?) Yes, I am a student. (Sim, eu sou uma estudante). Who are you? (Quem voc?) I am Joe. (Eu sou Joe). What are you? (O que voc?) I am a student. (Eu sou um estudante). Is she a student? (Ela uma estudante?) Yes, she is a student. (Sim, ela uma estudante). Who is she? She is Sue. What is she? She is a typist. (ela uma datilgrafa). Is he a mechanic? (Ele um mecnico?) No, he is not a mechanic. What is he? He is a soldier. (Ele um soldado).

Paul and Mary were not in class yesterday. They were sick yesterday. (Paul e Mary no estavam em classe ontem. Eles estavam doentes ontem). They were in New York (Eles estavam em Nova Iorque). Were you all sick? (Voc estava todo doente?) No, we were absent. (No, ns estvamos ausentes). Was Mary at home last night? (A Mary estava ontem noite em casa?) No, she was not at home last night. She was at the movies. (No, ela no estava ontem noite em casa. Ela estava no cinema). Mary was not in class yesterday. Was she sick? (Mary no estava na aula ontem. Ela estava doente?) No, she was not sick. Her mother was sick. (No, ela no estava doente. A me dela estava doente). Were they here last night? (Eles estavam ontem noite aqui?) No, they were at home. (No, Eles estavam em casa).

Grammar: Personal Pronouns: Singular: I You He (masc.) She (fem) It (neuter) Plural: We You They Note: He is used for the masculine gender (singular). He is a man. He is a king. She is used for the feminine gender (singular). She is a woman. She is a queen. It is used for the neuter gender, that is, for things, plants and animals. They is used for the plural of HE, SHE and IT. They are men. They are women, they are trees. Attention: The personal pronoun I is always written with a capital letter. (O pronome pessoal I sempre escrito com letra maiscula).

Verb To BePresent Tense: Affirmative: I am You are He, she, it is We are You are They are Negative: I am not You are not He, she, it is not We are not You are not They are not Interrogative: Am I? Are you? Is He, she, it?

Are we? Are you? Are they? Note: 1) The negative form of TO BE, is obtained by placing NOT after the verb: He is not a student. It is not a pen. (a forma negativa do TO BE, obtido no colocando depois do verbo: Ele no um estudante. No uma caneta). 2) The interrogative form of TO BE, is obtained by placing the verb before the subject: Am I a teacher? Are you a student? (a forma interrogativa do TO BE, obtida colocando o verbo antes do assunto: Eu sou um professor? Voc um estudante?). Past Tense Affirmative: I was You were He, she, it was We were You were They were Negative: I was not You were not He, she, it was not We were not You were not They were not Interrogative: Was I? Were you? Was he, she, it? Were we? Were you? Were they? Exercises: Fill in the blanks with HE, SHE, IT or THEY: 1. He is a man. (Ele um homem) 2. She is a girl. (ela uma garota) 3. She is a woman. (ela uma mulher) 4. It is a tree. ( uma rvore) 5. They are in the classroom. (eles esto na sala de aula). 6. They are in the table. (eles esto na mesa). 7. It is on the desk. (est na escrivaninha).

8. He is a king. (ele um rei) 9. They are flowers. (elas so flores) 10. He is a boy. (ele um rapaz ou menino) Make these interrogative and negative: 1. I am a teacher. Are you a teacher? I am not a teacher. (Eu sou um professor. Voc um professor? Eu no sou um professor). 2. Bill is a student. Is Bill a student? Bill is not a student. (Bill um estudante. Bill um estudante? Bill no um estudante). 3. You are a boy. Am I a boy? You are not a boy. (Voc um menino. Eu sou um menino? Voc no um menino). 4. We are in the garden. Are you in the garden? We are not in the garden. (Ns estamos no jardim. Vocs esto no jardim? Ns no estamos no jardim). 5. She is a girl. Is she a girl? She is not a girl. (Ela uma menina. Ela uma menina? Ela no uma menina). 6. It is a rose. Is it a rose? It is not a rose. ( uma rosa. uma rosa? No uma rosa). 7. This is a tree. Is this a tree? This is not a tree. (Esta uma rvore. este uma rvore? Esta no uma rvore). 8. These are churches. Are these churches? These are not churches. (Estas so igrejas. Estas so igrejas? Estas no so igrejas). 9. They are German. Are they German? They are not German. (Eles so alemes. Eles so alemes? Eles no so alemes). 10. I was a farmer. Were you a farmer? I was not a farmer. (Eu era um fazendeiro. Voc era um fazendeiro? Eu no era um fazendeiro). 11. He was a lawyer. Was he a lawyer? He was not a lawyer. (Ele era um advogado. Ele era um advogado? Ele no era um advogado). 12. The pen was in the drawer. Was the pen in the drawer? The pen was not in the drawer. (A caneta estava na gaveta. A caneta estava na gaveta? A caneta no estava na gaveta). 13. The horses were in the field. Were the horses in the field? The horses were not in the field. (Os cavalos estavam no campo. Os cavalos estavam no campo? Os cavalos no estavam no campo). 14. He was a good student. Was he a good student? He was not a good student. (Ele era um estudante bom. Ele era um estudante bom? Ele no era um estudante bom). 15. They were great men. Were they great men? They were not great men. (Eles eram grandes homens. Eles eram grandes homens? Eles no eram grandes homens). 16. We were in London last year. Were you in London last year? We were not in London last year. (Ns estvamos em Londres ano passado. Vocs estavam em Londres ano passado? Ns no estvamos em Londres ano passado). 17. You were my friend. Was I your friend? You were not my friend. (Voc era meu amigo. Eu era seu amigo? Voc no era meu amigo). 18. She was a good teacher. Was she a good teacher? She was not a good teacher. (Ela era uma professora boa. Ela era uma professora boa? Ela no era uma professora boa).

19. They were here last night. Were they here last night? They were not here last night. (Eles estavam ontem noite aqui. Eles estavam ontem noite aqui? Eles no estavam ontem noite aqui). Frank Sinatra Many Americans listen to the music of Frank Sinatra. He charms the world with his voice. Everywhere we hear his records. He is not only a singer but also a very good actor. His songs are very popular. There are many movies in witch Frank Sinatra in the star. He is one of the few singers that please adults as well as youngsters. He is a rich man because of his great success. He is a very famous American singer. Muitos americanos escutam a msica de Frank Sinatra. Ele encanta o mundo com a voz dele. Em todos lugares ns ouvimos os registros dele. Ele no s um cantor, mas tambm ator muito bom. As canes dele so muito populares. H muitos filmes com o Frank Sinatra estrelando. Ele um dos poucos cantores que agradam os adultos como tambm as crianas. Ele um homem rico por causa do grande sucesso dele. Ele um cantor americano muito famoso. Questions: 1. Is Frank Sinatra a singer or a teacher? R: he is a singer. He is not a teacher. 2. Is he a good singer? R: yes, he is a good singer. 3. Where are his records played? R: everywhere we hear his records. 4. Is Frank Sinatra also an actor? R: yes, he also a very good actor. 5. Is he very popular? R: yes, his songs are very popular. 6. Is Frank Sinatra the star in many movies? R: yes, there are many movies in with Frank Sinatra in the star. 7. Are his admires adults or youngsters? R: the two, he is one of the few singers that please adults as well as youngsters. 8. Why is he a rich man? R: he is a rich man because of his great success. Vocabulary: As well as: to bem como. To be sorry: sentir muito. Can: poder. To charm: encantar. To correct: corrigir. Everywhere: em toda parte. German: alemo. Great: grande (grandeza intelectual). To hear: ouvir King: rei Last: ultimo. Lawyer: advogado. To listen: ouvir. May: poder (sentido de permisso). Record: disco. Rich: rico

Star: ator principal, estrela. Tonight: esta noite. Youngsters: jovens. Unit 9 CHARLES: BARBARA: CHARLES: BARBARA: CHARLES: BARBARA: CHARLES BARBARA CHARLES: Bibliography: 1- A new approach to English Alexandre Ely editora tica.

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