avaliação bimestral - 8º ano - 4º bimestre

Post on 11-Jul-2016






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E. M. MANOEL NOGUEIRA LIMA ALUNO:______________________________________________ TURMA: 8º ANO


1ª) Leia o texto e responda as perguntas a seguir?

Pedro: Are you going to go out this Saturday night?

Vicky: Yes, I am.

Pedro: What are you going to do?

Vicky: I’m going to visit my grandmother.

Pedro: Are you going to have dinner at her house?

Vicky: Yes, I am.

Pedro: Lucky you! Your grandmother is a very good cook.

Vicky: What about you? Are you going to go out this Saturday?

Pedro: No, I’m not. I’m going to stay at home.

Vicky: Why?

Pedro: Because my parents are going out, so I’m going to take care of my little sister.

a) Pra onde Vicky vai no sábado à noite?


b) O que ela vai fazer lá?


c) Pedro também vai sair no sábado à noite?


d) O que ele fará no sábado?


2ª) Assinale a alternativa para o verbo TO BE que completa corretamente o futuro imediato.

a) _______ I going to watch tv?

a) Is b) do c) are d) Amb) Francisca _____ going to eat watermelon at snack!

a) Am not b) isn’t c) aren’t d) Don’tc) We _____ going to work together.

a) Are b) Am c) DON’T d) Isd) ______ José going to live in another city?

a) Are b) does c) Is d) Am

3ª) Organize as frases abaixo:a) Paulo / soccer / is / on Friday / going to play / not



b) On the weekend / Maria / going to study / is



c) You / going to work / are / tonight?



4ª) Leia o texto e responda as perguntas a seguir?

The TV station will use 0s to 1s to send signals to your TV set, so the rectangular picture will

be divided into 1080 lines, creating supersharp images. You will be able to see incredible details.

Adding TV to Internet services will create a world where people can channel-surf for their favorite

shows and surf the web on one giant computer screen.

Vocabulário:Travel: viajarSignals: SinaisSend: EnviarScreen: telaTV set: aparelho de TvRead: lerSupersharp: super finasGiant: GiganteChannel surf: surfar pelos canais.

a) Quando tempo a estação de tv levará pra enviar o sinal até o seu aparelho de tv?


b) Em quantas linhas será divida a imagem na tela de tv?


c) Que tipos de imagens serão criadas com essa divisão de linhas?


d) O que as pessoas serão capazes de fazer quando serviços de internet forem adicionados a



A seguir escolha a forma correta do futuro que preenche espaço se WILL ou GOING TO:

a) I __________________ go to school today. I think it´s rain.

b) Surely, Susan ________________ travel tomorrow night.

c) I’m sure Janaína _____________________ go out tonight with her friends.

d) Possibly, we ______________________ live in another city next year.

e) I’m not sure, but Eliane said, she _________________ work out today.

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