autobiografia and reflexive pronouns exercises

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Exercicios de interpretação de texto de uma autobiografia. Um menino conta numa carta seu drama com drogas.




Nesta carta retirada da Internet, um adolescente de apenas 14 anos torna público um drama

pessoal. Trata-se de uma história que se repete todos os dias em todos os lugares do mundo

e, na maioria das vezes, não tem um happy end.


I am 14 years old and I have been a good kid. I have always gotten good grades, and

have always been close to my parents. This year was my first year at the High School. I met

new friends, some of them I wish I had never met. Last September I tried my first cigarette, and

from that time on I smoked quite often. Two months before I had actually gotten drunk for the

first time. I was thirteen years old and I had already started drinking and smoking. And the

worst of all was coming. I met two new friends who introduced me marijuana. I liked it and

couldn’t wait to try it again. Every weekend my friends and I would get the marijuana and smoke

all night. We enjoyed ourselves together. In the meantime my school grades were dropping and

I was slipping away from my family. But do you think I really cared? Not really. As long as I had

my friends, my popularity and my drugs, it was all good. Skipping school became an adventure

too. I was on the wrong way and I knew it.

In February my family found out everything: from the smoking cigarettes to taking drugs

with older guys. They found out everything that you would never want your parents to discover.

It was terrible for me. I had never seen my dad cry before. My brother wept, my mother wept

and so did I. What a putdown I was to my family! I was an awful person.

I huffed glue a little while after I got caught but I’m totally clean now. I haven’t touched

any drugs, beer or cigarettes for about six months. For me this is a record and I am proud of

myself and determined to keep it.

The reason I wanted to write this story is to let you know that it takes one cigarette, one

sip of beer and one hit to change your life around. When you take drugs you lose the control of

your life: you steal money, loses your real friends, hurt your family and destroy your healthy. In

short, you destroy yourself. Well, I am OK now. I am doing much better in school. I have met

new friends and my parents and I have been closer than ever.

Thanks for reading my story. God bless.

1) Numere as frases de acordo com a ordem cronológica da história acima.

Preste bastante atenção, pois uma das frases não faz parte da história.

( ) “Minhas notas começaram a cair e eu já estava me afastando da minha família.” ( ) “Estava tudo ótimo: eu, meus amigos, minha popularidade e minhas drogas.” ( ) “Resolvi então abandonar minha família.” ( ) “Aos 13 anos, eu já fumava e bebia.” ( ) “Conheci dois amigos que me ofereceram maconha e passamos a fumar juntos.” ( ) “Minha família descobriu tudo.”

2) Responda as perguntas de acordo com o texto.

a) Por que o jovem autor da carta resolveu divulgar sua história?


b) Como ele ingressou no mundo das drogas?



c) O que levou o jovem a se livrar do vício das drogas?



d) A carta cita algumas conseqüências do consumo de drogas. Quais são elas?



e) Faça seu comentário pessoal sobre o texto.




3) No texto há três frases sublinhadas, escreva-as abaixo nos seus correspondentes em


a) Estou orgulhoso de mim mesmo. ____________________________________________

b) Você destrói a si próprio. __________________________________________________

c) Nós nos divertimos. ______________________________________________________

Reflexive Pronouns

myself – yourself – himself – herself – itself – ourselves – yourselves – themselves

4) Complete as frases abaixo com os pronomes reflexivos.

a) The knife was so sharp that I cut ____________. b) My uncle talks to _________________ when he is nervous. c) They enjoyed _______________ at the party last night. d) Glory doesn’t like working by ____________. She prefers to work with other people. e) Be careful. That pan is very hot. Don’t burn ____________________. f) Men are very selfish. They only think about __________________. g) The film ___________________ wasn’t very good but I liked the music.

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