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جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

Curriculum Vitae

personal Information



Date of birth 6 2491نوفمبر

Place of birth لقاهرة

Citizenship مصري

Contact Information

Home phone


Work phone 37288653

Mobile phone



جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

E-mail (s) fcvetmed@intouch.com samy-abdou @ hotmail.com

Web site (s)

Current Address 12 مصر –الجيزة –من ش الهرم –ش الهنيدي

Educational Qualifications

Ph. D., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1969

B. Sc., Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1964

Academic Positions

Professor, Theriogenology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University,

Associate Professor, Theriogenology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1975-1980

Lecturer, Theriogenology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1970-1975

Demonstrator, Theriogenology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, 1964-1970

Administrative positions

Director of.

Dean of …………………………

Vice Dean

Thesis Title

M. Sc.

Ph. D. Bio-zootechnological Investigations on the effectiveness of preservation of bull and buffalo semen at room temperature with special reference to fertilization and prenatal development

Areas of experience

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

النشر العلمي

جك عاا عيةهااكفركع اا عع–ريعشااك مع اادعمااأسع اا علتااك بكعية الاا علبيطاا عية اا عية ط ااعع

إمأيسعل لع عك ع عية وةطأعوية نكتلعوية يهاط عيصطا نكم عوية نكتالع ا عيةنطوي اك عععععع

يةمنزةط عيأ تكنعحكةطكعة البعيةفرق ط عيةريلع عويةنهكئط علكةبيط .

لمأعلكثرع ع كئ علنثععميم عع مع شرفكع عيةمجال عيةعيمط عيةملري عويةعكةمـطــاـ عع

ع عويإل جيطزي عوعيألةمك ط عويةروتط (.)عيأل ريبط

عشك مع ع أةطفعك كبعميم علكةيغ عيإل جيطزي عم :ع

"Crossbreeding in Cattleيةمكشط عععععععععععععععع"ية هجط ع ععععععععععععععع

"ععةأل طااارعمقاتلللن ملللر ال للل را شاااك مع ااا عإماااأيسع"يةموتاااوم عيةعك ااا عةب اااكبع"ع

لاا عم ااأيةعزيزعوبةاايعل ااأةطفعيةجااز عيةاااك عععيةسااعوسيعلكةااأعلاا عتااي كنعع

وي ياا عع7995وفاامع وتااوم عيةب رو طاا ععلااألعيةعماالع طهااكع اا عتاا م رععع

و الهعيإلطأي عيةثك ع ا ععع6222 رييرعع65إطأي فكعيألولعميمعش ب عيإل ر تعع ع

ح امععويطاأي ي ع كةطا عععع6226 رييارععع65و عهماكعيةثكةاثع ا ععععع6227 رييرعع65


وماكع ا عيةنطوي اك ععععع71و وتوم عيةمميبا عيةنطوي طا ع شاملع عيو اك عشاك ي عما ععععععع

يألةطف عويةوحشط .

نشاط خدمة المجتمع

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

ع.7997إةمعآلرعت م رعع7987 ععيةف ركع ععلولعلك ولرععععععععععع

مك ااكع اا علااري بع ااأ ي عيألي ااك عية ط ااريط عمياامعيةرمكياا عععععععع32يةمشااك ك عمياامع ااأ ععع

ية نكتيط عوية يهط عيصط نكم عية كلع عةيهطئ عيةعك عةياأ ك عية ط ري

ع ري عمملعضمعل طريعتويسريكع Education Specialist يصش ريمعكا طرع عيطمع

وآلاااارع ر سااااطكع اااا علاااااللعشركـااااـ عمكةمطـااااـ عع اــللااااـ ع اااا ع هطااااطمعيةمشااااك يدععععع

(Agrotec- SPA, Italy) ول بيطاافع اا عيةسااووعيألو ولطاا عيةمشاا رك ع اا ع هااويمعع

ع لرعويةابيع ناكهعوري كعيةز يما عيةملاري ععععع لر ك بعللال عيةاأ ك عية ط ري

ل مويلع ش رمع دعيةسووعيألو ولط عيةمش رك .

نشطة مختلفة في مجال العمل الجامعيأ

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

كمعلأ يت عويمأيسع ظكمعش ب ع عيةنويت عيآلةط عةاأ عيالبعيةبيط ع علااللعشا ب عععق

.6226يإل ر تععلألعيةعملع طهعلنجكحع ع ك سع

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة



.7995لك ولرعع-شهكسكع هأيرع عجك ع عيةهكفركعةيمشك ك عية نك كع ع ؤ مر" نمط عيةعالقك عيةعيمط عويةثهك ط "

(ع7999عشاري عع) اكيوعععشهكسكع هأيرع عيةجمعطا عية طا عية ط ريا عيةملاري علمنكتا ع اؤ مرعية ا عية ط اريعيةريلادعويةععععععععع

ةيأو عية ك رعويةجهوسعيةم مطزكع علأ عيةثروكعيةنطوي ط

عيةمؤ مرع–شهكسكع هأيرع ع ؤ مرعيإلتبنأ ي عأل ريضعيةبكو كعةيمسكفم عيةفعكة ع

ع7991ت م رعع


شهكسكع هأيرع ع ؤ مرع هنطك عيةلن عية نكتيط ع عل ريضعيةبكو كعو سطوةوجطكعيةااليكعيةجنسط

6227لك ولرع–يةوصيك عيةم نأكعيأل ريبط عع–شك ةس ونع


ل كبعشبرع ع كئ ع ئطسعيةمركزعيةهو عةي نوثعةشئونعيةمشرومك عية نثط

ةيجهأع عية نبطمعيةعيم عة عضعية هك يرعيةنهكئط عةيمشرومك .

ك ع ا عإ جاكحعيةماؤ مرعيةعيما عيألولعععععس ععكيط عية عية ط ريعجك ع عيةهكفركع رععلن عتويفعةيمسكفم عيةفعكة عويةمشاكع

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

ةيبيط ع

س عع ؤ مرعية عية ط ريعيةعرل عيةثكةثعويةعشري

جك ع عقناككعيةساويسعلمنكتا عيةناأوكعيةعيمطا عما عسو عية طو بنوةاوج ععععععععع-س ععقسمعيةمطبرولطوةوجطكعلبيط عية عية ط ري

ع ويح عيةنطككعيةما يف .ع


ةيمشاك ك ع ا ع اأوكع"يةمشارومك عيةلاغطركعويةم وتا عععععععع-6227 اك سععع– عيةهاكفركععجك عاعع–س ععكيط عية عية ط ريع

ةش كبعيألي ك عية ط ريط .

6226شهكسكعجك ع عيةهكفركعية هأيري ع عيةعيومعية ط عية ط ري عةعكمع

T.M. Hasoon, A.A. Al-Kafawi and M.S.S. Abdou

Sperm antibodies in sera of repeat breeder cows. 61 Annual meeting of the Amer. Assoc. of the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division, Univ. of California, Davis, California (1980).

A. Al-Lamy, M.S.S. Abdou, M. Fathalla and M.A. Omar

Comparative studies on deep freezing of buffalo semen in liquid nitrogen: I- Effect of six diluents on individual sperm motility using various thawing rates. The Iraqi J. Vet. Med., 5, 84 (1981).

K.Z. Mahmoud, W.S. Aboul-Fadl, M.S.S. Abdou, M. Sharawi, A.B. Ba

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

1. M.S.S. Abdou

Fertility of cows and heifers from semen preserved in EDTA—containing medium without

cooling agents. Zhivotnovodstvo, Moscow, 6, 78.(1968).

2. M.S.S. Abdou

Ethylenediamine tetraacetate in a medium for bull semen

preservation at room temperature. VESI’NIK Selj’hoz Nauk, Moscow,

8, 134 (1968).

3. M.S.S. Abdou

Effect of EDTA and Caproic acid on bull spermatozoa subjected to

cold shock.. Dokladi VASKHI’TIL, Moscow, 6, 32 (1968),

4. M.S.S. Abdou

Embryo survival and dynamics of prenatal growth in naturally bred

rabbits . Krolikovodstvo, 1968

5. M.S.S. Abdou

Bio—zootechnical investigations of the effectiveness of preservation of bulls’ and

buffalo bulls’ semen with special reference to fertilization and prenatal development.

Vet. Med. J. (Giza), XVII, 43 (1970).

6. A.B. El-Wishy, S.A. El-Sawaf, M.S.S. Abdou and M. Omar

Influence of iodide supplement to native bulls on seasonal variation in libido and semen

characteristics. Zuchthygiene, 3, 112 (1970).

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

7. M.S.S. Abdou and A.B. El-Wishy

The effect of ethylenediamine tetraacetate on buffalo spermatozoa subjected to cold

shock. U.A.R. J. Vet. Sci., 8, 87(1971).

8. A.B. El-Wishy , A.B.A. Badawy, M.S.S. Abdou and S.A. El-Sawaf

Semen production and characteristics in buffalo bulls in Egypt. Z. Tierzuchtung.

Zuchtungsbiol. 88, 231 (1971).

9. I.I. Sokolovskaya, P. Marinov, M.S.S. Abdou and A. Madzioli

Scientific cooperation of Soviet, Bulgarian, Arab and Tanzanian Scientists. Zhivotnovodstvo, Moscow, 33, 77 (1971).

10. A.B. El-Wishy, M.S.S. Abdou and S.A. El-Sawaf

Reproduction in buffaloes in Egypt. II- Fertility of buffaloes served at

varying intervals after calving. Vet. Med. J. (Giza), XIX, 123 (1971).

11. A.B. El-Wishy and M.S.S. Abdou, H. Hemeida and S.A. El-Sawaf

Reproduction in buffaloes in Egypt. IV- Morphological features of the

ovaries of cattle and buffaloes in relation to their function. Z.

Tierzuchtung. Zuchtungsbiol. 88, 47 (1971).

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

12. S.A. El-Sawaf, M.S.S. Abdou, A.B. El-Wishy

Some studies on infertility in rabbits. Vet. Med. J. (Giza), XIX, ,97


13. M.S.S. Abdou, A.B. El-Wishy, M.S. Abdo and S.A. El-Sawaf

Hormonal activities of the placenta of the one—humped camel

(Camelus dromedarius). I- Gonadotrophic, adrenocorticotrophic and

thyrotrophic hormones.

J. Anim. Morphol. Physiol., 18, 11 (1971).

14. M.S.S. Abdou , A.B. El-Wishy and G. Singh

Preservation of buffalo semen. I— Effect of adjustment of pH on

viability of buffalo spermatozoa in vitro. Proc. 11th Arab Vet. Congr.


15. M.S.S. Abdou , A.B. El-Wishy and G. Singh

Preservation of buffalo semen. II- Effect of addition of cysteine hydrochloride in buffalo

semen diluents on viability of spermatozoa in vitro. Proc. 11th Arab Vet. Congr. (1973).

16. M.S.S. Abdou, A.B. El-Wishy, M.S. Abdo and S.A. El-Sawaf

Hormonal variations in the blood. of buffaloes and cows during the

postpartum period. I- Gonadotrophic, thyrotrophic and adrenoco-

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

rticotrophic hormones. J. Anim. Morph. Physiol., 20, 49 (1973).

17. M.S.S. Abdou, M.M. El-Guindi, M.A. Mostafa, A.B. El-Wishy and

A.A. Farahat. Comparative study of the phosphatase activity in the,

semen of bovines (Bos bubalis and Bos taurus) in Egypt. Zbl. Vet.

Med. A., 21, 759 (1974).

18. M.M. El-Guindi, M.S.S. Abdou, A.A. Farahat, M.A. Mostafa , A.B. El-

Wishy and K.Abdel-Raheem

The nucleic acid content of consecutive ejaculates of buffalo and

Friesian bul1s. Zbl. Vet. Med.A., 22, 76 (1975).

19. A. Aswad, M.S.S. Abdou, F. Al-Bayaty and S.A. El-Sawaf

The validity of the ultrasonic method for pregnancy diagnosis in ewes and goats. Zbl.

Vet. Med. A, 23, 467 (1976).

20. M.S.S. Abdou and M.M. El-Guindi

The effect of disodium EDTA on the fructolytic activity of bull semen.

Zbl. Vet. Med.. A, 24, 575 (1977)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

21. M.S.S. Abdou, M.M. El-Guindi , A.A. El-Menoufy and K. Zaki

Some biochemical and metabolic aspects of the semen of bovines (Bubalus bubalis and Bos taurus). I— Seminal fructose in consecutive ejaculates and its relation to libido and semen quality. Z. Tierzuchtg. Zuchtgsbiol.

94, 8, (1977).

22. M.S.S. Abdou, M.M. El-Guindi , A.A. El_Menoufy and K. Zaki

Some biochemical and metabolic aspects of the semen of bovines

(Bubalus bubalis and Bos taurus). II— Factors affecting fructose

utilization. Z. Tierzuchtg. Zuchtgsbiol. 94, 16 (1977).

23. M.S.S. Abdou, M.M. El-Guindi , A.A. El_Menoufy and K. Zaki

Some biochemical and metabolic aspects of the semen of bovines

(Bubalus bubalis and Bos taurus). III— Inorganic phosphorus


Z. Tierzuchtg. Zuchtgsbiol. 94, 186 (1977/1978).

24. M.S.S. Abdou, M.M. El-Guindi , A.A. El_Menoufy and K. Zaki

Some biochemical and. metabolic aspects of the semen of bovines

(Bubalus bubalis and. Bos taurus). IV- Ascorbic acid relationships. Z.

Tierzuchtg. Zuchtugsbiol. 94, 192 (1977/1978).

25. M.S.S. Abdou, M.M. El-Guindi and M.T. Bayoumi

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

Enzymic profile of the semen of bovines (Bubalus bubalis and Bos


I- Acetylcholinestrase activity. Zbl. Vet. Med.. A, 24, 636 (1977).

26. M.S.S. Abdou, M.M. El-Guindi , A.A. El-Menoufy and K. Zaki

Enzymic profile of the semen of bovines (Bubalus bubalis and Bos

taurus). II-Parallelism between acid and alkaline phosphatases and.

various measures of semen quality. Zbl. Vet. Med. A, 25, 222 (1978).

27. M.M. El-Guindi and M.S.S. Abdou

Enzymic profile of the semen of bovines (Bubalus bubalis and Bos

taurus). III-Amylase (—1,4 glucan, 4—glucanohydrolase) activity.

zbl. Vet. Med.., A, 25, 814 (1978).

28. M.S.S. Abdou, S.A. El-Mougy, A.B. El-Wishy and A.A. Shaarawi

Seasonal variation in semen production of buffalo and cattle bulls.

Vet. Med.. J. (Giza), 26, 1 (1978).

29. M.S.S. Abdou, T.M. Hassun and S.A. El-Sawaf

Testicular and. epididymal sperm numbers and related parameters in

the developing Awassi ram. Aust. J. Biol. Sci., 31, 257 (1978).

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

30. M. Fathalla , M.S.S. Abdou and H. Fahmi

Bartholin gland cyst in the cow. Can. Vet. J., 19, 340 (1978)

31. S.A. El-Sawaf, G. Al-Khatib, M.S.S. Abdou and A.K. Abass

A study on genital infection of infertile cows and buffaloes in Iraq.

Zagazig Vet. Med. J. (1980).

32. S.M. El-Shafey, M.S.S. Abdou and M. Fathalla

Histochemical localization of delta 5 - 3B-hydroxysteroid dehydro-

genase NADPH - diaphorase enzyme system in the buffalo

epididymis. Vet . Med. J. (Giza), 28, 67 (1980).

dawi, L.S. Safouri, N.A. Hemeida, R.S. Ragab and S.M. Girgis

Contraceptive value of circumvasal copper 200 wire in male goats. Contraceptive Delivery Systems, vol. 3, Reprod. health care int. symposium, Oct. 10—15, Maui, Hawaii, USA (1982).

K.Z. Mahmoud, M.S.S. Abdou , N.A. Hemeida, L.S. Safouri, S. Mahmoud, S.M. Girgis and M. Fahim

Effect of ultrasound on mature rabbit testes. Contraceptive Delivery Systems, vol. 3, Reprod. health care int. symposium, Oct. 10-15, Maui, Hawaii, USA (1982).

M.S.S. Abdou, M.A.I. El-Sayed, A.A. Seida and A.B. El-Wishy

Gonadal and epididymal sperm numbers in adult buffalo bulls. Vet. Med. J. (Giza), 30, 327 (1982).

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M.A.I. El-Sayed, A.B.A. Badawy, A.A. Seida, N.A. Hemeida and M.S.S. Abdou

Gonadal and epididymal sperm numbers in mature Egyptian Baladi bucks. Vet. Med. J. (Giza), 30, 287 (1982).

A.A. El-Menoufy, R.S.A. Ragab , A.M.M. Nour and M.S.S. Abdou

Effect of some diluents on pre- and post-freeze survival of bull spermatozoa

Vet. Med. J. (Giza), 30, 353 (1982).

A.B.A. Badawy, , N.A. Hemeida and M.S.S. Abdou

Fructose and citric acid concentrations in the accessory glands of the adult male goat. Vet. Med. J. (Giza), 30, 417 (1982).

M.S.S. Abdou, A.A. El-Menoufy and R.S. A. Ragab

Cytochemical localization of acid phosphatase (orthophosphoric monoester hydrolase in epididymal. and ejaculated mammalian spermatozoa. Zuchthyg., 18, 178 (1983).

M.S.S. Abdou, A.A. El-Menoufy and R.S.A. Ragab

Morphometric maturational changes of epididymal spermatozoa in the buffalo (B. bubalis), Zuchthyg., 18, 58 (1983).

M.S.S. Abdou, R.S. A. Ragab and A.A. El-Menoufy

Alkaline phosphatase activity in maturing and. ejaculated mammalian spermatozoa- cytochemical. study. Zool. Jb. Anat. 111, 1 (1984).

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M.S.S. Abdou, A.A. El-Menoufy, A.B.A. Badawy and N.A. Hemeida Effect of castration on the reproductive activity of adult buffalo bulls. Assiut Vet. Med.. J., 12, 203 (1984).

M.S.S. Abdou, M.F. Mahfouz and R.S.A. Ragab

Hydrocele vaginalis testis equi . Mh. Vet. Med., 39, 674 (1984).

A.A. El-Menoufy, M.M. El-Tayeb, M.M. Ayoub, H.I. Yousef and M.S.S. Abdou

Breeding performance in buffaloes and Friesian cows in Egypt. Egypt J. Anim. Prod., 24, 193 (1984).

H.I. Yousef, M.M. Ayoub, N.A. , Hemeida, M.M. Afiefy and M.S.S. Abdou

Testicular characteristics and sperm reserves in adult Dokki—4 cockerels. Egypt J. Anim. Prod., 24, (1984).

K.Z. Mahmoud and M.S.S. Abdou

Contraceptive value of circumvasal copper 200 wire — a two year study. Egypt J. Derm. Ven. 4, (1984).

M.A. El-Sheltawi, A.I. El-Azab, M.S.S. Abdou, A.M. Rakha and A.B. Badawi Effect of the visible and ultraviolet lights on the buffalo semen suspended in different diluents. Proc. 1st World Buffalo

Congr, Cairo 27—31 Dec (1985).

M.A. El-Sheltawi, A.I. El-Azab, M.S.S. Abdou, A.M. Rakha and A.B. Badawi Effect of light on buffalo semen in the presence of L-aromatic aminoacids in the suspending media. Proc. 1st World

Buffalo Congress, Cairo 27—31 Dec. (1985).

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M.S.S. Abdou, M.H.G. Moussa and R.S. A. Ragab

On the regional histology of the ductus epididymidis in the buffalo (Bubalus . bubalis). Zbl. Vet. Med. C. Anat. Histol. Embryol., 14, 226 (1985).

A.A. El-Menoufy and M.S.S. Abdou

Increased fertility in “Braunvieh” cows after estrus synchronization and. fixed time insemination. Alex. J. Vet. Sci., 2, 617 (1986).

A.A. El-Menoufy and M.S.S. Abdou

Conception rate in “Braunvieh” cows treated with prostaglandin F2 (Lutalyse, Upjohn). Nigerian livestock farmer (1986).

A.A. El-Menoufy, A.M. Ghallab and M.S.S. Abdou

Pergnancy in buffaloes after oestrus synchronization with cloprostenol / (Estrumate, ICI),. Zuchthyg., 21, 82 (1986).

A.A. El-Menoufy, R.S.A. Ragab and M.S.S. Abdou

Lipid and phospholipid in epididymal and ejaculated mammalian spermatozoa. Bull. Sci. Technology (1987).

M.S.S. Abdou and A.A. El-Menoufy

Potentiation of prostaglandin F2—alpha effects with Lugol’s iodine and/or antibiotics for treatment of pyometra in cattle. Physiologie und Pathologie der Fortpflanzung, Rosenheim 12—13 March ,

Zuchthy,22, 130 (1987),

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

A.A. El-Menoufy and M.S.S. Abdou

Heat and. conception rate in dairy cows after synchronization of oestrus with prostaglandin F2—alpha or its synthetic analogue. Indian J. Anim. Sci (1987).

M.S.S. Abdou

Buffalo male reproductive biology and semen preservation

A review article presented at the International workshop on Buffalo reproduction, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1987

A.A. El-Menoufy, R.S.A. Ragab and M.S.S. Abdou

Periodic acid—Schiff reactive polysaccharides in mammalian spermatozoa during their passage in the genital tract. Zuchthy. 23 (1988).

A. Abdel-Azeez , M.S. Tawfeek , A.I. El-Ezab, A.A. Farahat and M.S.S. Abdou

Enzymatic changes of buffalo spermatozoa during freezing. Proc. 1st Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 84 (1989)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M.S.S. AbdouTohamy and -H.M. Eissa, M. El

Bulk and trace elements in the accessory glands of buffalo bulls. Proc. 2nd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 86 (1990)

M.S.S. AbdouH.M. Eissa, I.M. Ghoneim and Response of buffalo cows and heifers with or without palpable corpora lutea to different doses of prostaglandin F2 alpha (Lutalyse). Proc. 2nd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 141


S. M. Fattouh -and El M.S.S. Abdou

Assessment of intact acrosomes and other sperm abnormalities using dark field microscopy. Proc. 2nd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 189 (1990)

Tayseer I.M. Ismail, H.M. Eissa, El-S.M. Fattouh, M.S.S. Abdou and A.B. El-Wishy

Pellet freezing of buffalo semen with special reference to sugar and glycerol concentrations. Proc. 2nd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 200 (1990)

El-S.M. Fattouh and M.S.S. Abdou

Effect of caffeine on the post-thaw motility of buffalo spermatozoa.عTheriogenology) 36, 144 (1991

and M. Dobell M.S.S. AbdouI.M. Ghoneim, H.M. Eissa,

Plasma progesterone, estradiol –17beta and vaginal electrical resistance during estrous cycle in the cow. Proc. 3rd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 23 (1991)

S.M. El-Ayouby, M. Abdel-Ghani, M.E. Hatem , M.S.S. Abdou, Y.A. Farag and M. N.H. Shalabi

Haemophilus Somnus infection as an etiological agent for reproductive disorders in cows and buffaloes Proc. 3rd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 177 (1991)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M.S.S. Abdou , A.A. El-Menoufy , El-S.M. Fattouh and M. Abou-Ahmed

Effect of frequency of ejaculation on libido, sperm output and semen quality in young Friesian bull. Proc. 3rd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 207 (1991)

M.S.S. Abdou , M.N. El-Garhy, A.A. El-Menoufy , M.A. Wahba and El-S.M. Fattouh

Immunosuppression- associated reproductive failure in male rabbits treated with cyclophosphamide. Proc. 3rd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 261 (1991)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M. El-Sheltawi, G. Abdel-Malak, Y.A. Farag and M.S.S. Abdou

Effect of freezing procedure on the motility and viability of buffalo spermatozoa Proc. 3rd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 270 (1991)

M.S.S. AbdouMalak, Y.A. Farag and -, G. AbdelSheltawi-M. El

Effect of manipulative procedures during freezing on the cytomorphology of buffalo spermatozoa Proc. 3rd Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 282 (1991)

H. M. Eissa, M.M. El-Tohamy and M.S.S. Abdou

Bulk and trace elements in the accessory glands of buffalo bulls. Br. Vet.J, 148, 557 (1992)ع

Maha S. Ziada, G. Abdel-Malak and M.S.S. Abdou

Effect of glycerol concentration and thawing regimes on the viability of frozen buffalo spermatozoa. Proc. 4th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 133 (1992)

M.S.S. Abdou and A. Iskander

Computer-assisted assessment of sperm motility using multimedia (Fast Capture)- A preliminary report. Proc. 5th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 38 (1993)

M. El-Sheltawi, G. Abdel-Malak, Y.A. Farag and M.S.S. Abdou

Sperm penetration of cervical mucus at various stages of freezing of buffalo semen Proc. 5th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 136(1993)

M. El-Sheltawi, G. Abdel-Malak, Y.A. Farag and M.S.S. Abdou

Studies on acrosomal gelatinolytic activity of frozen buffalo spermatozoa Proc. 5th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 145 (1993)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M. El-Sheltawi, G. Abdel-Malak, Y.A. Farag and M.S.S. Abdou

Morphological changes of frozen buffalo spermatozoa. Proc. 5th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 154 (1993)

Mary G. Abdel-Malak , G. Abdel-Malak, A. Abdel-Azeez, A.A. Farahat and M.S.S. Abdou

Viability of frozen buffalo semen in Tris-yolk-fructose extender. Proc. 5th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 171 (1993)

Maha S. Ziada, G. Abdel-Malak, M. El-Sheltawi, Tayseer, I.M. Ismail and M.S.S. Abdou

Studies on frozen buffalo semen: Effect of bulls, diluents and Thawing rate. Proc. 7th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 265 (1995)

M.S.S. AbdouAzeez and -Malak, A. Abdel-Sheltawi, G. Abdel-M. El

Can cold shock test predict the freezability of buffalo spermatozoa ? Proc. 7th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 279 (1995)

M.S. Ziada, M. El-Sheltawi, G. Abdel-Malak, Tayseer I.M. Ismail and M.S.S. Abdou

Freezing buffalo semen in commercial diluents (Triladyl and Laiciphos) with reference to the effect of thawing rate. Proc. 7th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 250 (1995)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

Tayseer I.M. Ismail, M.A. Hussein, H.M. Eissa, A.B. El-Wishy and M.S.S. Abdou

Studies on thawing rate of buffalo semen packaged in straws Proc. 8th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 108 (1996)

Tayseer I.M. Ismail, M. El-Sheltawi , Maha S. Ziada , H.M. Eissa, A.B. El-Wishy and M.S.S. Abdou

Influence of glycerol levels Thawing rate and post-thaw incubation on survival and acrosomal retention of buffalo spermatozoa frozen in straws Proc. 8th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod.

Fert. 116 (1996)

M.S.S. Abdou, Tayseer I.M. Ismail, H.M. Eissa , M.A. Hussein and A.B. El-Wishy

Effect of group thawing and post-thaw incubation of straws at thaw bath temperature on survival and acrosomal maintenance of buffalo spermatozoa. Proc. 8th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim.

Reprod. Fert. 127 (1996)

M.S.S. Abdou, Tayseer I.M. Ismail, H.M. Eissa , M. El-Sheltawi, Maha S. Ziada and A.B. El-Wishy

Effect of pre-freeze and post-thaw inclusion of caffeine on quality measures of buffalo spermatozoa Proc. 8th

Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 133 (1996)ع

Tayseer I.M. Ismail, H.M. Eissa , A.M. Ghallab , I.M. Ghoneim , A.B. El-Wishy and M.S.S. Abdou

Quality measures of frozen buffalo semen supplemented with follicular fluid post-thaw. Proc. 8th

Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 149 (1996)ع

M.S.S. AbdouSheltawi, M.T. Nasr and -Azab, M.H. Mostafa, M.A. El-A.I. El

Effect of group thawing on viability of buffalo spermatozoa frozen in straws.

Proc. 9th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 143 (1997)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

Maha S. Ziada, K.N. Metias, A.A.H. Zaki, G. Abdel-Malak and M.S.S. Abdou

Studies on the influence of freezing process on the antigenic structure of buffalo spermatozoa. Proc. 9th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 151 (1997)

M.S. Hassan, T.I.M. Ismail, M.M. Mansour, M. Sherief and M.S.S. Abdou

Effect of Stimulating cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway on bovine sperm parameters. Reprod.Dom. Anim,167 (1997)

.S.S. AbdouMTayseer I.M. Ismail, I.M. Ghoneim and

Fertility of frozen buffalo semen supplemented with 2mM caffeine. Proc. 9th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 173 (1997)

Naglaa I. Hassan, Maha S. Ziada, H.M. Hassan, G.M. Darwish and M.S.S. Abdou

Elimination of mycoplasma and ureaplasma from processed buffalo semen. Proc. 9th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 237 (1997)

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M.S.S. Abdou

Molecular biology of the male reproductive system. Proc. 10th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 27 (1998)

M.S.S. Abdou

Hormone Copycats. Proc. 10th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 3 (1999 )

I.M. GHONEIM, TAYSEER M.ISMAIL and M.S.S. Abdou:عAssessment of ovarian activity in postpartum buffalo by use of milk progesterone assay.

Proc. 24th Arab Vet. Congr. (2001),pp757-767.

M.S.S. Abdou Conservation of endangered animals- A duty of the veterinarians.

Proc. 24th Arab Vet. Congr. (2001)

M.M. Waheed, I.M. Ghoneim, and M.S.S. Abdou

Sexual behavior and sex hormones in the Arabian horse.

Proc. 15th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. 3 (2003 )

M.M.Waheed, I.M. Ghoneim and M.S.S. Abdou

Morphometric analysis of spermatozoa in the assessment of Arabian horse fertility.

Proc. 16th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. (2004 )

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

M.M.Waheed, I.M. Ghoneim and M.S.S. Abdou

Influence of various extenders on motility and viability of cold-stored Arabian horse semen Proc. 16th Ann. Congr. Egyptian Soc. Anim. Reprod. Fert. (2004 )

جامعة القاهرة

وحدة ضمان الجودة

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