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Post on 07-Jan-2016




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A atriz vencedora do Oscar, Emma Tompson, acusou ontem Tesco de submeter seus apanhadores de frutas Sul-Africanos, condies e salrios chocantes.Thompson, uma embaixadora para os ativistas contra a pobreza Action Aid, alegou mulheres no Cabo Ocidental foram incapazes de alimentar seus filhos sobre os salrios menos de 50p uma hora e instou o Governo a tomar medidas contra o supermercado.thompson, 48 anos, que visitou a provncia de Western Cape em Fevereiro; disse: "Eu visitei essas fazendas e fiquei chocado com o que vi."Ela disse que 80 mulheres trabalham sete horas - seis horas para o equivalente a apenas 38p.Seus comentrios vieram frente da assembleia-geral do Tesco, anual em Londres hoje em que se espera um dos trabalhadores para falar, pelo segundo ano sobre sua situao e a dos seus colegas.Jonathan Church, diretor de media do Tesco, disse: "Ns olhamos as condies agrcolas e pagar, ido sobre todas as alegaes feitas e no encontrei nenhuma evidncia para sugerir que h um problema."

Who?The Oscar-winning actress, Emma Tompson.What?Thompson, is an ambassador for the anti-poverty campaigners Action Aid.How?Accused Tesco of subjecting its South-african fruit pickers to appaling pay and conditions.When?Yesterday.where?In the tescos annual general meeting in London.Why?claimed women in the Western Cape were unable to feed their children on wages less than 50p an hour

Cristiano Ronaldo is the new ambassador of the institution "Save the Children", which last year helped 85 million needy children in 120 countries. "When I heard that one in seven children go to bed hungry every night not hesitated to become involved," it is stated in the statement of the organization. The player also promised to do everything possible to ensure "that fewer parents have to struggle to feed their children properly." "I also want to encourage the kids to leave the house, to be active and healthy. As a parent, I know how important it is to give to my two year old son a healthy life from the beginning and I want all the boys and girls have that opportunity" also he said. Alberto already Soteres, director of "Save the Children", proved to be delighted with the new member of the 'family'. "We are delighted that a player is both to work with us. Many children around the world see Cristiano as a role model for healthy living and staying in shape, "he said. Cristiano Ronaldo joins Jennifer Connelly thus, Jennifer Garner and Julianne Moore as ambassador. "Honored to be the new ambassador of the institution" Save the Children ", eager to address together the important issues of hunger and nutrition of children," wrote the player on Facebook.