a fabricação do antigo testamento que os israelitas eram ...simplesmente para descobrir a verdade...

A fabricação do Antigo Testamento que os israelitas eram escravos no Egito 3/22/2015 02:20:00 AM Parece que os judeus ter mentido sobre a sua história no Antigo Testamento. Nova evidência esmagadora por estudiosos egípcios e israelenses top mostra que os judeus nunca foram escravos no Egito. Pictures e legendas por Darkmoon

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Page 1: A fabricação do Antigo Testamento que os israelitas eram ...simplesmente para descobrir a verdade enterrada debaixo de dois mil anos de . ... Número dois, as mentiras apresentadas

A fabricação do Antigo Testamento que os israelitas eram escravos no Egito

3/22/2015 02:20:00 AM

Parece que os judeus ter mentido sobre a sua história no Antigo Testamento. Nova evidência esmagadora por estudiosos egípcios e israelenses top mostra que os judeus nunca foram escravos no Egito.

Pictures e legendas por Darkmoon

Page 2: A fabricação do Antigo Testamento que os israelitas eram ...simplesmente para descobrir a verdade enterrada debaixo de dois mil anos de . ... Número dois, as mentiras apresentadas

Se os judeus tivessem vivido no Egito durante séculos como escravos, certamente eles teriam notado as pirâmides e da Esfinge? Estranhamente, nenhum desses grandes maravilhas arquitetônicas do mundo são mencionados mesmo uma vez no Antigo Testamento!

Judeus mentem. Os judeus sempre mentiu. E com toda a certeza, os judeus ainda estão mentindo hoje sobre tudo o que tem a ver com eles mesmos e sua história sórdida.

Assim, considerando como eles destruíram os Estados Unidos, Rússia, Alemanha e muitos outros países por vestimenta lobotomizante mentalmente e castrar todos eles financeiramente, deve vir como nenhuma surpresa que os judeus têm falsificado sua própria história desde o início.

Ou, dito de forma mais concisa, nas palavras de um médico egípcio chamado Ashraf Ezzat:

"A verdade é que o antigo Egito nunca soube nenhum Faraós nem quaisquer israelitas. Egito nunca foi a terra do Êxodo e da Palestina nunca foi à Terra Prometida. "

Apoiado por cada especialista respeitável no mundo conhecido, Ezzat argumenta que a história antiga hebraico como a conhecemos hoje, é baseado em uma mentira colossal - que os eventos descritos como acontecendo no Egito, se eles aconteceu em tudo, realmente aconteceu na Arábia. O que significa que de acordo com sua versão, os contos de José, Moisés e do êxodo ainda pode ser verdade, mas o local em que eles são acusados de ter acontecido são falsas.

Para a pessoa média, isto parece uma afirmação absurda, se não fosse o testemunho solidário dos melhores egiptólogos do mundo, de James Henry Breasted para Donald Redford para Israel Finkelstein. Mesmo alguns especialistas israelenses concordam, incluindo o chefe de arqueologia na Universidade de Tel Aviv. Prof. Ze'ev Herzog, em um artigo de 1999 no Ha'aretz, disse:

"Os israelitas nunca estavam no Egito, não caminhar no deserto, não conquistaram a terra em uma campanha militar e não passá-lo para as 12 tribos de Israel."

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A Travessia do Mar Vermelho ROSSELLI (1439 - 1507)

[LD: O Velho Testamento nos diz que Deus ajudou a separar as ondas do Mar Vermelho, permitindo que o seu povo escolhido para atravessar milagrosamente para o outro lado enquanto fugiam do exército de Faraó perseguindo. Assim que o exército egípcio desceu na mesma trincheira, Deus permitiu que as ondas de voltar em um enorme muro que desaba sobre as cabeças dos maus egípcios que estavam todos se afogaram.

Titbit divertido. "peões Mar Vermelho" = eufemismo politicamente incorreto do Monty Python para "judeus". [LD]


Escusado será dizer que esta revelação tem profundas implicações para todas as principais religiões monoteístas do mundo: o judaísmo, o cristianismo eo islamismo, que toda a base da sua legitimidade profundamente falho sobre essas lendas questionáveis do Antigo Testamento.

Para Dr. Ezzat, a desentocar da verdadeira história dos judeus é uma questão de defender a reputação de seu ilustre terra natal, a mais antiga conhecida civilização humana, a misteriosa terra das pirâmides e da Esfinge. Ezzat visa simplesmente para descobrir a verdade enterrada debaixo de dois mil anos de

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deturpação deliberada e caluniosa de uma cultura que forneceu a base das religiões monoteístas que "emprestados" fortemente a tradição egípcia, mas esqueceu de mencionar a fonte, alegando estas bem conhecidas rituais como seus próprios.

Ezzat tem trabalhado nessa tarefa por vários anos em seu website Pyramidion , mas agora deu um grande passo em frente com a publicação de "O Egito não conheceu Pharaohs Nem israelitas" ( na foto ). O livro está disponível em uma edição Kindle por meros US $ 5 e contém grande quantidade de links ao vivo muito valiosos, incluindo a famosa "Dawn of Conscience" de Breasted ensaio e instrutivo material de fundo do escritor romano Plutarco, egiptólogo Donald Redford e repórter contemporâneo Juan

Cole usando arquivista os dados de fundo enciclopédicas Peter Myers.

O livro é um verdadeiro tesouro da história bíblica objetiva, um contrapeso essencial para a superabundância de material de proselitismo religioso não confiável que as prejudicam estudiosos históricas objetivas em todos os lugares com desinformação auto-absorvida.

Defender a tradição honrosa do Egito

Muitos fatores definir Ezzat nesta fuga detetive da decepção bíblica que castiga o Egito Antigo como uma sociedade de manutenção de escravo imoral.

A primeira pista foi a de que o Antigo Testamento nunca mencionou as pirâmides, fazendo com que os escritores desse documento a primeira e, provavelmente, os únicos visitantes do Egito, que nunca mencionou estas estruturas imponentes.

A alegação de Ezzat, apoiado por estudos empíricos sólidos, é que os acontecimentos do Antigo Testamento ocorreu no sudoeste da Arábia, em uma província chamada Mizraim, ou Misr, uma localização agora próximo dia moderno Iêmen, que é onde ele diz que a tribo de Israel foi realmente nascido.

A segunda tipoff era o terreno, que no OT mais se assemelha montanhosa Saudita, em vez de plano Egito. Além disso, a Bíblia narra as secas, que o Egito nunca tiveram, somente as flutuações no inundações do Nilo. Muitos dos eventos atribuídos à área da atual Palestina realmente ocorreu muito mais ao sul ao longo da costa do Mar Vermelho, Ezzat insiste. Além disso, um detalhe ainda mais revelador da história Joseph foi a caravana de camelos

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transportando "Goma, bálsamo e mirra", que eram produtos do comércio árabe, e não do Egito.

A terceira e mais reveladora pista foi a noção de escravidão, que reivindicações Ezzat nunca foi praticada no Egito até os gregos e persas trouxe a prática com eles mil anos mais tarde do que o suposto tempo de Moisés e José.

Algumas histórias indicar as pirâmides foram construídas por escravos, mas a história mostra-nos os construtores das pirâmides eram voluntários dispostos,como a vila dos construtores das pirâmides atesta .

E o quarto aspecto desta fraude milenar Antigo Testamento era o rótulo de faraó, que nenhum documento egípcio nunca usa. Mas o líder da tribo Mizraim foi chamado Faraon, que fez a mudança do hebraico para o grego e para a criação de um faraó vilão muitos séculos depois um truque fácil de retirar. Egito, um dos mais bem documentados de todas as civilizações antigas, nunca uma vez usou o termo faraó.

Este é realmente um conto de dois Egypts: Egito foi mencionado na Bíblia em torno de 700 vezes; os israelitas não foram mencionados uma vez nos registros egípcios.

O historiador do século 5 aC Heródoto, vulgarmente conhecido como "o pai da história", nunca mencionou faraós, só os reis. Heródoto também nunca mencionou Israel, repetidamente mencionado Palestina, Síria e os fenícios, nunca mencionou judeus ou cananeus, e nunca mencionou qualquer templo sagrado judaico.

Mas mais do que qualquer outra coisa, que era o insulto à filosofia religiosa extremamente iluminada do Egito Antigo - práticas morais que nunca foi igualado pelas civilizações que vieram depois - que obrigaram Ezzat para defender a honra de uma cultura notável que sobreviveu durante a maior parte do três milênios, mais tempo - você faz tomar nota - do que qualquer outra cultura na história do mundo.

"Enganosamente que liga a história de Moisés e seu Faraó manchou a imagem de uma das maiores civilizações da humanidade", escreve Ezzat. "Antigo Egito foi apunhalado no coração por este dois mil anos duplicidade. E esse engano é provável que continue, se não expor a verdade sobre as histórias de Israel e sua origem árabe e da fraude Septuaginta. "

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"Antigo Egito foi esfaqueado nas costas por uma duplicidade de dois mil anos!"

Tradutores judeus corruptos

No século 2 aC, o hebraico Bíblia foi traduzida do aramaico para o grego no lendário Biblioteca de Alexandria. Setenta escribas judeus, daí a designação da Bíblia Septuaginta, foram distribuídos nesta tarefa pelo Ptolomeus em que astuciosamente substituiu este obscuro líder tribal Faraon com o poderoso Egito e seu rei. A versão grega, com essa distorção maliciosa da história antiga, tem sido a fonte de todas as traduções da Bíblia em todo o mundo desde então.

A decepção Septaguint tinha sido o resultado de um vínculo greco-judaica muito semelhante ao hoje em dia "um americano-israelense. (Controlar e manipular superpotências do mundo - antigo e moderno - é obviamente uma proficiência judaica velho também demonstrável no antigo arranjo judaico / persa que levou à libertação de cativeiro babilônico e da cumplicidade com o Império Romano para controlar e conter o cristianismo.)

Substituindo a cidade árabe de Mizraim / Misr com Egito faraônico nas histórias dos Patriarcas não só distorceu as histórias de Israel, mas a historiografia do conjunto antigo Oriente Próximo.

Os perigos esta deturpação apresenta para os tempos modernos são numerosos.

Número um, os egípcios modernos foram destacados de sua própria cultura.

Número dois, as mentiras apresentadas na Bíblia que têm filtrados em outras religiões representam um perigo violento com base em informações erradas.

Por exemplo, os salafistas, endurecido islamistas e jihadistas, querem demolir todos monumento e templos do antigo Egito, incluindo as pirâmides e da Esfinge, porque acreditam que estes são os ídolos adorados Faraó, rejeitando a verdadeira palavra de Deus entregou por Moisés.

Então aqui vai uma trama de assassinato em massa de mente fechada baseado no conto de fadas de escravos judeus construção das pirâmides

O conto Exodus é de cerca de escravos, trabalhando em 400 anos de escravidão contínua. O fracasso de seus irmãos para assassinar Joseph é

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contada tanto no Alcorão e da Bíblia. Os irmãos o venderam aos ismaelitas, e não os egípcios, por 20 moedas de prata (Gênesis 37: 26-28).

A decepção Septaguint repetido através cinema contemporâneo foi evidente no recente filme de Ridley Scott Êxodo (que fracassou na bilheteria!): Deuses e Reis.

Egito proibiu este filme por sua "visão sionista da história". O mesmo golpe perpetrado pelos judeus por 3000 anos - mudar a história para enganar o público - ainda está sendo executado hoje em Hollywood.

Embora Êxodo: Gods and Kings é definido no Egito, você não vai realmente ser capaz de vê-lo ali. Segundo a revista Deadline (e relatado por Ezzat), adaptação de Scott da história bíblica de Moisés entrar em conflito com os censores egípcias. Abdul Sattar Fathi, o chefe do conselho de censura estatal egípcia, criticou duramente o filme, citando "erros históricos" como reivindicando os judeus construíram as pirâmides e retratar Moisés como um general, não um profeta.

"Além disso", disse Fathi, "isso mostra antigos egípcios como um grupo mob perseguir judeus pacíficos. Nosso conselho recusou-se isso por respeito pelos sentimentos dos egípcios. "

(Judeus pacíficas, eu gosto disso. Poderia ser o único exemplo na história dos judeus pacíficos. Nenhuma surpresa que só Hollywood poderia vir com um conceito como judeus pacíficos, o que é certamente um tipo de ser humano que nunca antes visto na história. Vá dizer aos palestinos sobre judeus pacíficos.)

Diz Ezzat, que continua a ser escrupulosamente imparcial quando se trata de política contemporânea, o Egito não é simplesmente onde esta história aconteceu.

Na época, Israel não estava lá

Judeus mentir. Quantos exemplos moderno que você precisa? Seis milhões de mortos em um Holocausto que nunca aconteceu? Pessoas de todo o mundo pagando reparações por crimes que não cometeram e que estão sendo jogados na prisão quando eles pedem para a prova desses crimes. A comida veneno empresa judaica produção e um governo judeu forçando as pessoas a comê-lo.Judeus assassinando milhares de camponeses desarmados e chamando-o de auto-defesa, desencadeando guerras em todo o mundo através da manipulação secreta dos governos tenha comprado.

Atual rouser ralé israelense Binyamin Netanyahu disse recentemente em um discurso que o povo judeu estava construindo Jerusalém 3.000 anos atrás. No entanto, outra mentira judaica.

Ezzat diz que não.

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"O povo judeu não estavam construindo Jerusalém 3.000 anos atrás, ou seja, de 1000 aC. . . Não houve invasão da Palestina geográfica do Egito por ex-escravos no BCE 2200s. . . A crônica de eventos do reinado de Ramsés II na parede em Luxor não sabe sobre qualquer um dos principais resultados de escravos ou voos por mesmo na península do Sinai. Fontes egípcias nunca ouvi falar de Moisés ou as 12 pragas ".

Jerusalém não só não estava sendo construída pelos prováveis então inexistentes "povo judeu", em 1000 aC, mas Jerusalém provavelmente nem sequer foi habitada naquele ponto da história. Jerusalém parece ter sido abandonada entre 1000 aC e 900 aC, as datas tradicionais para o reino unido sob Davi e Salomão.

Então Jerusalém não era "a cidade de David, 'já que não havia nenhuma cidade lá quando ele disse ter vivido lá. Nenhum sinal de magníficos palácios ou grandes estados foi encontrado na arqueologia desse período, e os comprimidos assírios, que registrou até mesmo eventos menores em todo o Oriente Médio, como as ações de rainhas árabes, não sei nada sobre qualquer grande reino de Davi e Salomão na Palestina geográfica.

Não é uma coisa.

Palestina não era a terra natal para o reino de Israel e as histórias de seus primeiros patriarcas. O início do judaísmo e as histórias de Abraão, Isaac, José e Moisés aconteceu em Saudita e Iêmen, Ezzat escreve. A falha gritante da arqueologia bíblica, na terra da Palestina é principalmente devido a uma premissa completamente falho e uma Bíblia (Septaguint) astuciosamente adulterado (pelos mesmos arrepios malignos que manipulam nossas notícias e materiais educativos hoje).

Registros escritos do Egito datam de 1870 aC. Nenhum vestígio dos israelitas.

A escravidão era uma tradição comum na Arábia, mas não no Egito. A escravidão não veio para o Egito "até o dia 7 de século 4 aC, com a influência dos persas / invasões gregas."

Esta tradição de escravidão persiste no Iêmen, onde os estrangeiros não estão autorizados a conseguir um emprego sem o patrocínio de um nativo chamado de Kafeel que controlam todos os aspectos de suas vidas.

Em sua teoria revolucionária "Bíblia veio da Arábia" Dr. Kamal Salibi descobriu mais de uma centena de nomes de lugares em Saudita e Iêmen do Norte, que surpreendentemente combinava os mencionados na Torá, Ezzat escreve.

"Colocar os israelitas de volta em sua terra nativa árabe deixará de fazer o futuro pervasive da escravidão nas histórias de José e Moisés alienígena ou

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inexplicável, ou os muros e fortificações de aldeias montanhosas tombado pelo Joshua irreal e não verificável.

"A terra Josué conquistou foi um pequeno território no norte do Iêmen. O Egito da Bíblia não é o Egito do Vale do Nilo, mas uma pequena cidade obscura no deserto do sudoeste da Arábia antiga chamado Mizraim, ou Misr em hebraico e árabe.

"O êxodo ocorreu de uma forma muito mais humilde e em uma escala muito mais estreito em uma pequena aldeia obscura na antiga Arábia do Sul", escreve Ezzat.

"Se o Egito não conhecia faraós, então não é preciso dizer que o Egito nunca soube Moisés, também. E se Moisés nunca pôs os pés no Egito, em seguida, roteiro do Exodus 'para a Terra Prometida tem que ser redesenhado. "

A concepção de harmonia mundial

As mentiras começou há muito tempo. De acordo com o Antigo Testamento, escritos por judeus, antigo Egito é a terra da idolatria, da tirania e da escravidão.

É essa calúnia em que Ezzat cerdas, porque os preceitos da religião do antigo Egito foram plagiados por seus sucessores cristãos e muçulmanos, Trapaças e barril.

"Maat é o conceito egípcio de harmonia mundial baseada na justiça, equilíbrio e verdade. Maat, ou a senhora da verdade, personificada pelos antigos egípcios na forma de uma senhora que veste a pena da verdade em sua cabeça e segurando a balança da justiça, é o código de ética pelo qual todos os egípcios, incluindo monarcas, deve seguir, "Ezzat escreve.

O falecido Prof. Breasted, em uma bela introdução de seu clássico 1933 Dawn of Conscience , escreve em um link ao vivo a partir do livro:

"Os egípcios possuíam um padrão de moral muito superior à do Decálogo (os Dez Mandamentos) mais de mil anos antes de o Decálogo foi escrito."

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Famoso egiptólogo Professor James Henry Breasted em seu escritório no Instituto Oriental de 1929

Então Ezzat não está fazendo essas coisas para cima. Breasted é um dos historiadores mais respeitados de todos os tempos. E a insistência de Ezzat que grande parte do material no Antigo Testamento é fabricado, distorcida e plagiado é verdade.

Por exemplo, a sabedoria de Amenemope, preservada em um papiro egípcio no Museu Britânico, foi traduzido para o hebraico em tempos antigos e, circulando na Palestina, foi a fonte para uma seção inteira do Testamento velho livro de Provérbios.

"Nossa herança moral deriva de um passado humano mais amplo enormemente mais velho do que os hebreus, e chegou até nós, em vez através dos hebreus do que com eles. O homem levantou-se para alta visão moral dois mil anos antes da nação hebraica nasceu ", escreve Ezzat.

Assim como nos tempos modernos, quando, na Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Alemanha foi apresentado como o cara mau, enquanto os países judaicas os EUA, Grã-Bretanha e União Soviética foram apresentados como os mocinhos, os hebreus apresentado interlopers israelitas como os bravos heróis e egípcios inocentes como o vilões, que, como a justaposição de assassinos israelenses e

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palestinos vítimas em lutadores da liberdade judeus e terroristas islâmicos é uma injustiça histórica e mentira imperdoável do tipo que assim debilita nossa existência hoje.

Judeus mentir. Eles sempre têm, e eles sempre será.

FONTE: http://www.darkmoon.me/2015/the-first-jewish-lie-the-old-testament-fabrication-that-the-israelites-were-slaves-in-egypt/


The First Jewish Lie: The Old Testament fabrication that the Israelites were slaves in Egypt — John KaminskiJohn Kaminski Other Writers, Recommended Reading

It seems that Jews have lied about their history in the Old Testament. Overwhelming new evidence by top Egyptian and Israeli scholars shows that Jews were never slaves in Egypt.

Pictures and captions by Darkmoon

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If the Jews had been living in Egypt for centuries as slaves, surely they would have noticed the pyramids and the Sphinx?

Strangely, neither of these great architectural wonders of the worldare mentioned even once in the Old Testament!

Jews lie. Jews have always lied. And most assuredly, Jews are still lying today about everything that has to do with themselves and their sordid history.

So considering how they have wrecked the United States, Russia, Germany and so many other countries by mentally lobotomizing and financially castrating all of them, it should come as no surprise that Jews have falsified their own history from the very beginning.

Or to put it more concisely in the words of an Egyptian medical doctor named Ashraf Ezzat:

“The truth is that ancient Egypt never knew any Pharaohs nor any Israelites. Egypt was never the land of Exodus and Palestine was never the Promised Land.”

Backed by every reputable expert in the known world, Ezzat argues that ancient Hebrew history as we know it today is based on one colossal lie — that events described as happening in Egypt, if they happened at all, really happened in Arabia. Which means that according to his version, the tales of Joseph, Moses and the Exodus might still be true, but the location in which they are alleged to have happened are false.

To the average person, this would seem a farfetched assertion were it not for the supportive testimony of the world’s top Egyptologists, from James Henry Breasted to Donald Redford to Israel Finkelstein. Even some Israeli experts agree, including the head of archeology at Tel Aviv University. Prof. Ze’ev Herzog, in a 1999 article in Ha’aretz, said:

“The Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel.”

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The Crossing of the Red Sea ROSSELLI (1439 – 1507)

[LD: The Old Testament tells us that God helped to part the waves of the Red Sea, allowing his Chosen People to cross over miraculously to the other side as they fled from Pharaoh’s pursuing army. As soon as the Egyptian army descended into the same trench, God let the waves return in a huge collapsing wall onto the heads of the evil Egyptians who were all drowned.

Amusing titbit. “Red Sea pedestrians” = Monty Python’s politically incorrect euphemism for “Jews”. [LD]


Needless to say, this revelation has profound implications for all of the world’s major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which all base their deeply flawed legitimacy on these questionable Old Testament legends.

For Dr. Ezzat, the ferreting out of the real story of the Jews is a matter of defending the reputation of his illustrious homeland, the oldest known human civilization, the mysterious land of the pyramids and the Sphinx. Ezzat seeks merely to uncover the truth buried beneath two thousand years of deliberate and slanderous misrepresentation of a culture that provided the foundation of the monotheistic religions which have “borrowed” heavily from Egyptian tradition but neglected to mention the source as they claimed these well-known rituals as their own.

Ezzat has labored at this task for several years on his Pyramidion website, but now has taken a big step forward with the publication of “Egypt Knew No Pharaohs Nor Israelites” (pictured). The book is available in a Kindle edition for a mere $5 and contains lots of very valuable live links, including Breasted’s famous “Dawn of Conscience” essay and instructive background material from the Roman writer Plutarch, Egyptologist Donald Redford and contemporary reporter Juan Cole using archivist Peter Myers’ encyclopedic background data.

The book is a real treasure trove of objective Biblical history, an essential counterweight to the overabundance of unreliable religious proselytization material that handicaps objective historical scholars everywhere with self-absorbed misinformation.

Defending Egypt’s honorable tradition

Many factors set Ezzat on this detective trail of the Biblical deception that castigates Ancient Egypt as an immoral, slave-keeping society.

The first clue was that the Old Testament never mentioned the pyramids, making the writers of that document the first and probably the only visitors to Egypt who never mentioned these awe-inspiring structures.

Ezzat’s contention, backed by solid empirical scholarship, is that the events of the Old Testament occurred in southwestern Arabia, in a province called Mizraim, or Misr, a location now near modern day Yemen, which is where he says the tribe of Israel was really born.

The second tipoff was the terrain, which in the OT more resembles hilly Arabia rather than flat Egypt. Also, the Bible recounts droughts, which Egypt never had, only fluctuations in the flooding of the Nile. Many of the events ascribed to the area of present day Palestine actually occurred much

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further south down the coast of the Red Sea, Ezzat insists. Furthermore an even more telling detail in the Joseph story was the camel caravan carrying “gum, balm and myrrh”, which were products of Arabian trade, not Egypt’s.

The third and most revealing clue was the notion of slavery, which Ezzat claims was never practiced in Egypt until the Greeks and Persians brought the practice with them a thousand years later than the supposed time of Moses and Joseph.

Some stories state the pyramids were built by slaves, but history shows us the pyramid builders were willing volunteers, as the village of the pyramid builders attests.

And the fourth aspect of this millennia-old Old Testament fraud was the label of pharaoh, which no Egyptian document ever uses. But the leader of the Mizraim tribe was called Faraon, which made the switch from Hebrew to Greek and the creation of a villainous pharaoh many centuries later an easy trick to pull off. Egypt, one of the best documented of all ancient civilizations, never once used the term pharaoh.

This is truly a tale of two Egypts: Egypt was mentioned in the Bible around 700 times; the Israelites were not mentioned once in the Egyptian records.

The 5th century BC historian Herodotus, commonly known as “the father of history”, never mentioned pharaohs, only kings. Herodotus also never mentioned Israel, repeatedly mentioned Palestine, Syria and the Phoenicians, never mentioned Jews or Canaanites, and never mentioned any Jewish holy temple.

But more than anything else, it was the insult to Ancient Egypt’s extremely enlightened religious philosophy — moral practices that have never been equalled by the civilizations that came later — that compelled Ezzat to defend the honor of a remarkable culture that survived for the better part of three millennia, longer – you make take note — than any other culture in world history.

“Deceitfully linking the story of Moses and his Pharaoh has tarnished the image of one of humanity’s greatest civilizations,” Ezzat writes. “Ancient Egypt has been stabbed in the heart by this two-thousand year duplicity. And this deception is likely to continue if we don’t expose the truth about the Israelite stories and their Arabic origin and the Septuagint fraud.”

“Ancient Egypt has been stabbed in the back by a two-thousand year duplicity!”

Corrupt Jewish translators

In the 2nd century BC, the Hebrew bible was translated from Aramaic to Greek at the legendary Library of Alexandria. Seventy Jewish scribes, hence the designation of the Septuagint Bible, were assigned this task by the Ptolemies in which they cunningly replaced this obscure tribal leader

Page 15: A fabricação do Antigo Testamento que os israelitas eram ...simplesmente para descobrir a verdade enterrada debaixo de dois mil anos de . ... Número dois, as mentiras apresentadas

Faraon with the mighty Egypt and its king. The Greek version, with this malicious distortion of ancient history, has been the source for all translations of the Bible worldwide ever since.

The Septaguint deception had been the result of a Greek-Jewish bond very similar to nowadays’ American-Israeli one. (Controlling and manipulating world superpowers — ancient and modern — is obviously an old Jewish proficiency also demonstrable in the old Jewish/Persian arrangement that led to the release from Babylonian Captivity and the complicity with the Roman Empire to control and contain Christianity.)

Replacing the Arabic town of Mizraim/Misr with pharaonic Egypt in the stories of the Patriarchs has not only distorted the Israelite stories but the historiography of the whole ancient Near East.

The dangers this misrepresentation presents to modern times are numerous.

Number one, modern Egyptians have been detached from their own culture.

Number two, the lies presented in the Bible that have filtered into other religions present a violent danger based on mistaken information.

For instance, the Salafis, hardened Islamists and jihadists, want to demolish all of ancient Egypt’s monument and temples, including the Pyramids and the Sphinx, because they believe these are the idols Pharaoh worshipped while rejecting the true word of God delivered by Moses.

So here is a closed-minded mass murder plot based on the fairy tale of Jewish slaves building the Pyramids

The Exodus tale is about slaves, toiling in 400 years of continuous bondage. The failure of his brothers to murder Joseph is told both in the Qu’ran and the Bible. The brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites, not the Egyptians, for 20 shekels of silver (Genesis 37:26-28).

The Septaguint deception repeated through contemporary filmmaking was evident in the recent Ridley Scott film (which flopped at the box office!) Exodus: Gods and Kings.

Egypt banned this movie for its “Zionist view of history”. The same scam perpetrated by the Jews for 3000 years — changing history to dupe the public — is still being run today in Hollywood.

Although Exodus: Gods and Kings is set in Egypt, you won’t actually be able to see it there. According to Deadline magazine (and reported by Ezzat), Scott’s adaptation of the biblical story of Moses has run afoul of Egyptian censors. Abdul Sattar Fathi, the head of the Egyptian state censorship board, harshly criticized the film, citing “historical mistakes” such as claiming the Jews built the pyramids and portraying Moses as a general, not a prophet.

“Furthermore,” Fathi said, “it shows ancient Egyptians as a mob group persecuting peaceful Jews. Our board has refused this out of respect for Egyptians’ feelings.”

(Peaceful Jews, I like that. Could be the only example in history of peaceful Jews. No surprise that only Hollywood could come with a concept like peaceful Jews, which is surely a type of human being that has never before been seen in history. Go tell the Palestinians about peaceful Jews.)

Says Ezzat, who remains scrupulously impartial when it comes to contemporary politics, Egypt is simply not where this story took place.

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At the time, Israel wasn’t there

Jews lie. How many modern examples do you need? Six million dead in a Holocaust that never happened? People all over the world paying reparations for crimes they didn’t commit and being thrown in jail when they ask for proof of these crimes. A Jewish company producing poison food and a Jewish government forcing people to eat it. Jews murdering thousands of unarmed peasants and calling it self defense, triggering wars all over the world through covert manipulation of governments it has bought.

Current Israeli rabble rouser Binyamin Netanyahu said recently in a speech that the Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3000 years ago. Yet another Jewish lie.

Ezzat says no.

“The Jewish people were not building Jerusalem 3000 years ago, i.e. 1000 BC . . . There was no invasion of geographical Palestine from Egypt by former slaves in the 2200s BCE . . . The chronicle of events of the reign of Ramses II on the wall in Luxor does not know about any major slave results or flights by same into the Sinai peninsula. Egyptian sources never heard of Moses or the 12 plagues.”

Jerusalem not only was not being built by the likely then non-existent “Jewish people” in 1000 BCE, but Jerusalem probably was not even inhabited at that point in history. Jerusalem appears to have been abandoned between 1000 BCE and 900 BCE, the traditional dates for the united kingdom under David and Solomon.

So Jerusalem was not ‘the city of David,’ since there was no city there when he is said to have lived there. No sign of magnificent palaces or great states has been found in the archeology of this period, and the Assyrian tablets, which recorded even minor events throughout the Middle East, such as the actions of Arab queens, don’t know anything about any great kingdom of David and Solomon in geographical Palestine.

Not a thing.

Palestine was not the homeland for the kingdom of Israel and the stories of its early patriarchs. The inception of Judaism and the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph and Moses happened in Arabia and Yemen, Ezzat writes. The blatant failure of Biblical archeology in the land of Palestine is primarily due to a premise completely flawed and a Bible (Septaguint) cunningly tampered with (by the same evil creeps who manipulate our news and educational materials today).

Egypt’s written records date back to 1870 BC. No trace of the Israelites.

Slavery was a common tradition in Arabia but not in Egypt. Slavery didn’t come to Egypt “until 7th to 4th century BC, with the influence of the Persian/Greek invasions.”

This tradition of slavery lingers on in Yemen, where foreigners aren’t allowed to get a job without the sponsorship of a native called a kafeel who control all aspects of their lives.

In his breakthrough theory “Bible Came from Arabia” Dr. Kamal Salibi has discovered more than one hundred place names in Arabia and North Yemen that amazingly matched the ones mentioned in the Torah, Ezzat writes.

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“Placing the Israelites back in their native Arabic land will no longer make the pervasive future of slavery in the stories of Joseph and Moses alien or inexplicable, or the walls and fortifications of mountainous villages tumbled by Joshua unreal and unverifiable.

“The land Joshua conquered was a small territory in North Yemen. The Egypt of the Bible is not the Egypt of the NIle Valley but an obscure little town in the southwestern desert of ancient Arabia called Mizraim, or Misr in Hebrew and Arabic.

“The Exodus took place in a much humbler way and on a much narrower scale in an obscure little village in ancient South Arabia,” Ezzat writes.

“If Egypt knew no Pharaohs, then it goes without saying that Egypt never knew Moses, either. And if Moses never set foot in Egypt, then the Exodus’ road map into the Promised Land has to be redrawn.”

A conception of world harmony

The lies began a long time ago. According to the Old Testament, written by Jews, ancient Egypt is the land of idolatry, tyranny and slavery.

It is this slander at which Ezzat bristles, because the precepts of the ancient Egyptian religion were plagiarized by its Christian and Muslim successors lock, stock and barrel.

“Maat is the Egyptian concept of world harmony based on justice, balance and truth. Maat, or the lady of truth, as personified by ancient Egyptians in the shape of a lady wearing the feather of truth on her head and holding the balance of justice, is the code of ethics by which all Egyptians, including monarchs, should follow,” Ezzat writes.

The late Prof. Breasted, in a beautiful introduction to his 1933 classic Dawn of Conscience, writes in a live link from the book:

“The Egyptians possessed a standard of morals far superior to that of the Decalogue (the Ten Commandments) over a thousand years before the Decalogue was written.”

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Famous Egyptologist Professor James Henry Breasted in his office at the Oriental Institute, 1929

So Ezzat is not making this stuff up. Breasted is one of the most respected historians ever. And Ezzat’s insistence that much of the material in the Old Testament is fabricated, distorted and plagiarized is true.

For instance, the wisdom of Amenemope, preserved in an Egyptian papyrus in the British Museum, was translated into Hebrew in ancient times and, circulating in Palestine, was the source for a whole section of the Old Testament Book of Proverbs.

“Our moral heritage derives from a wider human past enormously older than the Hebrews, and it has come to us rather through the Hebrews than from them. Man arose to high moral vision two thousand years before the Hebrew nation was born,” Ezzat writes.

Just like in modern times, when in World War II Germany was presented as the bad guy while the Jewish countries the U.S., Britain and Soviet Union were presented as the good guys, the Hebrews presented Israelite interlopers as the brave heroes and innocent Egyptians as the villains, which like the juxtaposition of Israeli murderers and Palestinian victims into Jew freedom fighters and Islamic terrorists is a historical injustice and unforgivable lie of the type that so debilitates our existence today.

Jews lie. They always have, and they always will.

Page 19: A fabricação do Antigo Testamento que os israelitas eram ...simplesmente para descobrir a verdade enterrada debaixo de dois mil anos de . ... Número dois, as mentiras apresentadas

It seems that Jews have lied about their history in the Old Testament. Overwhelming new evidence by top Egyptian and Israeli scholars shows that Jews were never slaves in Egypt.

Pictures and captions by Darkmoon

If the Jews had been living in Egypt for centuries as slaves, surely they would have noticed the pyramids and the Sphinx?

Strangely, neither of these great architectural wonders of the worldare mentioned even once in the Old Testament!

Jews lie. Jews have always lied. And most assuredly, Jews are still lying today about everything that has to do with themselves and their sordid history.

So considering how they have wrecked the United States, Russia, Germany and so many other countries by mentally lobotomizing and financially castrating all of them, it should come as no surprise that Jews have falsified their own history from the very beginning.

Or to put it more concisely in the words of an Egyptian medical doctor named Ashraf Ezzat:

“The truth is that ancient Egypt never knew any Pharaohs nor any Israelites. Egypt was never the land of Exodus and Palestine was never the Promised Land.”

Backed by every reputable expert in the known world, Ezzat argues that ancient Hebrew history as we know it today is based on one colossal lie — that events described as happening in Egypt, if they happened at all, really happened in Arabia. Which means that according to his version, the tales of

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Joseph, Moses and the Exodus might still be true, but the location in which they are alleged to have happened are false.

To the average person, this would seem a farfetched assertion were it not for the supportive testimony of the world’s top Egyptologists, from James Henry Breasted to Donald Redford to Israel Finkelstein. Even some Israeli experts agree, including the head of archeology at Tel Aviv University. Prof. Ze’ev Herzog, in a 1999 article in Ha’aretz, said:

“The Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel.”

The Crossing of the Red Sea ROSSELLI (1439 – 1507)

[LD: The Old Testament tells us that God helped to part the waves of the Red Sea, allowing his Chosen People to cross over miraculously to the other side as they fled from Pharaoh’s pursuing army. As soon as the Egyptian army descended into the same trench, God let the waves return in a huge collapsing wall onto the heads of the evil Egyptians who were all drowned.

Amusing titbit. “Red Sea pedestrians” = Monty Python’s politically incorrect euphemism for “Jews”. [LD]


Needless to say, this revelation has profound implications for all of the world’s major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which all base their deeply flawed legitimacy on these questionable Old Testament legends.

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For Dr. Ezzat, the ferreting out of the real story of the Jews is a matter of defending the reputation of his illustrious homeland, the oldest known human civilization, the mysterious land of the pyramids and the Sphinx. Ezzat seeks merely to uncover the truth buried beneath two thousand years of deliberate and slanderous misrepresentation of a culture that provided the foundation of the monotheistic religions which have “borrowed” heavily from Egyptian tradition but neglected to mention the source as they claimed these well-known rituals as their own.

Ezzat has labored at this task for several years on his Pyramidion website, but now has taken a big step forward with the publication of “Egypt Knew No Pharaohs Nor Israelites” (pictured). The book is available in a Kindle edition for a mere $5 and contains lots of very valuable live links, including Breasted’s famous “Dawn of Conscience” essay and instructive background material from the Roman writer Plutarch, Egyptologist Donald Redford and contemporary reporter Juan Cole using archivist Peter Myers’ encyclopedic background data.

The book is a real treasure trove of objective Biblical history, an essential counterweight to the overabundance of unreliable religious proselytization material that handicaps objective historical scholars everywhere with self-absorbed misinformation.

Defending Egypt’s honorable tradition

Many factors set Ezzat on this detective trail of the Biblical deception that castigates Ancient Egypt as an immoral, slave-keeping society.

The first clue was that the Old Testament never mentioned the pyramids, making the writers of that document the first and probably the only visitors to Egypt who never mentioned these awe-inspiring structures.

Ezzat’s contention, backed by solid empirical scholarship, is that the events of the Old Testament occurred in southwestern Arabia, in a province called Mizraim, or Misr, a location now near modern day Yemen, which is where he says the tribe of Israel was really born.

The second tipoff was the terrain, which in the OT more resembles hilly Arabia rather than flat Egypt. Also, the Bible recounts droughts, which Egypt never had, only fluctuations in the flooding of the Nile. Many of the events ascribed to the area of present day Palestine actually occurred much further south down the coast of the Red Sea, Ezzat insists. Furthermore an even more telling detail

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in the Joseph story was the camel caravan carrying “gum, balm and myrrh”, which were products of Arabian trade, not Egypt’s.

The third and most revealing clue was the notion of slavery, which Ezzat claims was never practiced in Egypt until the Greeks and Persians brought the practice with them a thousand years later than the supposed time of Moses and Joseph.

Some stories state the pyramids were built by slaves, but history shows us the pyramid builders were willing volunteers, as the village of the pyramid builders attests.

And the fourth aspect of this millennia-old Old Testament fraud was the label of pharaoh, which no Egyptian document ever uses. But the leader of the Mizraim tribe was called Faraon, which made the switch from Hebrew to Greek and the creation of a villainous pharaoh many centuries later an easy trick to pull off. Egypt, one of the best documented of all ancient civilizations, never once used the term pharaoh.

This is truly a tale of two Egypts: Egypt was mentioned in the Bible around 700 times; the Israelites were not mentioned once in the Egyptian records.

The 5th century BC historian Herodotus, commonly known as “the father of history”, never mentioned pharaohs, only kings. Herodotus also never mentioned Israel, repeatedly mentioned Palestine, Syria and the Phoenicians, never mentioned Jews or Canaanites, and never mentioned any Jewish holy temple.

But more than anything else, it was the insult to Ancient Egypt’s extremely enlightened religious philosophy — moral practices that have never been equalled by the civilizations that came later — that compelled Ezzat to defend the honor of a remarkable culture that survived for the better part of three millennia, longer – you make take note — than any other culture in world history.

“Deceitfully linking the story of Moses and his Pharaoh has tarnished the image of one of humanity’s greatest civilizations,” Ezzat writes. “Ancient Egypt has been stabbed in the heart by this two-thousand year duplicity. And this deception is likely to continue if we don’t expose the truth about the Israelite stories and their Arabic origin and the Septuagint fraud.”

“Ancient Egypt has been stabbed in the back by a two-thousand year duplicity!”

Corrupt Jewish translators

In the 2nd century BC, the Hebrew bible was translated from Aramaic to Greek at the legendary Library of Alexandria. Seventy Jewish scribes, hence the designation of the Septuagint Bible, were assigned this task by the Ptolemies in which they cunningly replaced this obscure tribal leader

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Faraon with the mighty Egypt and its king. The Greek version, with this malicious distortion of ancient history, has been the source for all translations of the Bible worldwide ever since.

The Septaguint deception had been the result of a Greek-Jewish bond very similar to nowadays’ American-Israeli one. (Controlling and manipulating world superpowers — ancient and modern — is obviously an old Jewish proficiency also demonstrable in the old Jewish/Persian arrangement that led to the release from Babylonian Captivity and the complicity with the Roman Empire to control and contain Christianity.)

Replacing the Arabic town of Mizraim/Misr with pharaonic Egypt in the stories of the Patriarchs has not only distorted the Israelite stories but the historiography of the whole ancient Near East.

The dangers this misrepresentation presents to modern times are numerous.

Number one, modern Egyptians have been detached from their own culture.

Number two, the lies presented in the Bible that have filtered into other religions present a violent danger based on mistaken information.

For instance, the Salafis, hardened Islamists and jihadists, want to demolish all of ancient Egypt’s monument and temples, including the Pyramids and the Sphinx, because they believe these are the idols Pharaoh worshipped while rejecting the true word of God delivered by Moses.

So here is a closed-minded mass murder plot based on the fairy tale of Jewish slaves building the Pyramids

The Exodus tale is about slaves, toiling in 400 years of continuous bondage. The failure of his brothers to murder Joseph is told both in the Qu’ran and the Bible. The brothers sold him to the Ishmaelites, not the Egyptians, for 20 shekels of silver (Genesis 37:26-28).

The Septaguint deception repeated through contemporary filmmaking was evident in the recent Ridley Scott film (which flopped at the box office!) Exodus: Gods and Kings.

Egypt banned this movie for its “Zionist view of history”. The same scam perpetrated by the Jews for 3000 years — changing history to dupe the public — is still being run today in Hollywood.

Although Exodus: Gods and Kings is set in Egypt, you won’t actually be able to see it there. According to Deadline magazine (and reported by Ezzat), Scott’s adaptation of the biblical story of Moses has run afoul of Egyptian censors. Abdul Sattar Fathi, the head of the Egyptian state censorship board, harshly criticized the film, citing “historical mistakes” such as claiming the Jews built the pyramids and portraying Moses as a general, not a prophet.

“Furthermore,” Fathi said, “it shows ancient Egyptians as a mob group persecuting peaceful Jews. Our board has refused this out of respect for Egyptians’ feelings.”

(Peaceful Jews, I like that. Could be the only example in history of peaceful Jews. No surprise that only Hollywood could come with a concept like peaceful Jews, which is surely a type of human being that has never before been seen in history. Go tell the Palestinians about peaceful Jews.)

Says Ezzat, who remains scrupulously impartial when it comes to contemporary politics, Egypt is simply not where this story took place.

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At the time, Israel wasn’t there

Jews lie. How many modern examples do you need? Six million dead in a Holocaust that never happened? People all over the world paying reparations for crimes they didn’t commit and being thrown in jail when they ask for proof of these crimes. A Jewish company producing poison food and a Jewish government forcing people to eat it. Jews murdering thousands of unarmed peasants and calling it self defense, triggering wars all over the world through covert manipulation of governments it has bought.

Current Israeli rabble rouser Binyamin Netanyahu said recently in a speech that the Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3000 years ago. Yet another Jewish lie.

Ezzat says no.

“The Jewish people were not building Jerusalem 3000 years ago, i.e. 1000 BC . . . There was no invasion of geographical Palestine from Egypt by former slaves in the 2200s BCE . . . The chronicle of events of the reign of Ramses II on the wall in Luxor does not know about any major slave results or flights by same into the Sinai peninsula. Egyptian sources never heard of Moses or the 12 plagues.”

Jerusalem not only was not being built by the likely then non-existent “Jewish people” in 1000 BCE, but Jerusalem probably was not even inhabited at that point in history. Jerusalem appears to have been abandoned between 1000 BCE and 900 BCE, the traditional dates for the united kingdom under David and Solomon.

So Jerusalem was not ‘the city of David,’ since there was no city there when he is said to have lived there. No sign of magnificent palaces or great states has been found in the archeology of this period, and the Assyrian tablets, which recorded even minor events throughout the Middle East, such as the actions of Arab queens, don’t know anything about any great kingdom of David and Solomon in geographical Palestine.

Not a thing.

Palestine was not the homeland for the kingdom of Israel and the stories of its early patriarchs. The inception of Judaism and the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph and Moses happened in Arabia and Yemen, Ezzat writes. The blatant failure of Biblical archeology in the land of Palestine is primarily due to a premise completely flawed and a Bible (Septaguint) cunningly tampered with (by the same evil creeps who manipulate our news and educational materials today).

Egypt’s written records date back to 1870 BC. No trace of the Israelites.

Slavery was a common tradition in Arabia but not in Egypt. Slavery didn’t come to Egypt “until 7th to 4th century BC, with the influence of the Persian/Greek invasions.”

This tradition of slavery lingers on in Yemen, where foreigners aren’t allowed to get a job without the sponsorship of a native called a kafeel who control all aspects of their lives.

In his breakthrough theory “Bible Came from Arabia” Dr. Kamal Salibi has discovered more than one hundred place names in Arabia and North Yemen that amazingly matched the ones mentioned in the Torah, Ezzat writes.

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“Placing the Israelites back in their native Arabic land will no longer make the pervasive future of slavery in the stories of Joseph and Moses alien or inexplicable, or the walls and fortifications of mountainous villages tumbled by Joshua unreal and unverifiable.

“The land Joshua conquered was a small territory in North Yemen. The Egypt of the Bible is not the Egypt of the NIle Valley but an obscure little town in the southwestern desert of ancient Arabia called Mizraim, or Misr in Hebrew and Arabic.

“The Exodus took place in a much humbler way and on a much narrower scale in an obscure little village in ancient South Arabia,” Ezzat writes.

“If Egypt knew no Pharaohs, then it goes without saying that Egypt never knew Moses, either. And if Moses never set foot in Egypt, then the Exodus’ road map into the Promised Land has to be redrawn.”

A conception of world harmony

The lies began a long time ago. According to the Old Testament, written by Jews, ancient Egypt is the land of idolatry, tyranny and slavery.

It is this slander at which Ezzat bristles, because the precepts of the ancient Egyptian religion were plagiarized by its Christian and Muslim successors lock, stock and barrel.

“Maat is the Egyptian concept of world harmony based on justice, balance and truth. Maat, or the lady of truth, as personified by ancient Egyptians in the shape of a lady wearing the feather of truth on her head and holding the balance of justice, is the code of ethics by which all Egyptians, including monarchs, should follow,” Ezzat writes.

The late Prof. Breasted, in a beautiful introduction to his 1933 classic Dawn of Conscience, writes in a live link from the book:

“The Egyptians possessed a standard of morals far superior to that of the Decalogue (the Ten Commandments) over a thousand years before the Decalogue was written.”

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Famous Egyptologist Professor James Henry Breasted in his office at the Oriental Institute, 1929

So Ezzat is not making this stuff up. Breasted is one of the most respected historians ever. And Ezzat’s insistence that much of the material in the Old Testament is fabricated, distorted and plagiarized is true.

For instance, the wisdom of Amenemope, preserved in an Egyptian papyrus in the British Museum, was translated into Hebrew in ancient times and, circulating in Palestine, was the source for a whole section of the Old Testament Book of Proverbs.

“Our moral heritage derives from a wider human past enormously older than the Hebrews, and it has come to us rather through the Hebrews than from them. Man arose to high moral vision two thousand years before the Hebrew nation was born,” Ezzat writes.

Just like in modern times, when in World War II Germany was presented as the bad guy while the Jewish countries the U.S., Britain and Soviet Union were presented as the good guys, the Hebrews presented Israelite interlopers as the brave heroes and innocent Egyptians as the villains, which like the juxtaposition of Israeli murderers and Palestinian victims into Jew freedom fighters and Islamic terrorists is a historical injustice and unforgivable lie of the type that so debilitates our existence today.

Jews lie. They always have, and they always will.