a experiência da higiene - the hygiene experiment

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  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    Jesse's mind wandered as his

    mother began to talk about thebenefits of keeping clean until thewords "hygiene experiment" caughthis attention. Experiments weresomething that Jesse enjoyed andcould never turn down. He readily

    listened as his mother finished herexplanation.

    Afterwards Jesse remained in hisseat, bewildered by what he'dheard. Did Mom really mean that Ican actually have a full week without

    cleaning anything, includingmyself? Jesse thought.Well, I like thesound of that!It'll be a nice breakfrom all that cleaning and tidying Im

    always having to do. Maybe once it's

    over Mom will realize all this hygiene

    stuff is not worth fussing over, and Iwon't have to clean up ever again!

    The Hygiene Experiment

    Experincia da HigieneA mente de Joel comeou a divagar ao

    ouvir a me falar dos benefcios de nosmantermos limpos, at que as palavrasexperincia de higiene captaram sua

    ateno. Joel gostava muito deexperincias e estava sempre pronto parauma. Ento, escutou atentamente

    enquanto a me terminava a explicao.No final, Joel continuou sentado,

    espantado com o que tinha ouvido. Serque a me estava realmente falando a

    srio quando disse que posso ficar uma

    semana inteira sem limpar nada, inclusive

    eu prprio, pensou Joel. Olha, gosto muitoda ideia! Ser uma boa mudana para

    toda essa limpeza e arrumao que tenho

    que fazer constantemente. Talvez no final

    mame veja que no precisa esquentar

    tanto a cabea com todas essas coisas de

    higiene, e eu nunca mais tenha que limparnada!

  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    On the first day, Jesse wasexcitedhe skipped hischores and cleaning up afterhimself. He didn't seem tomind his untidy room or hisunkempt hair.

    No primeiro dia, Joel estava

    felicssimo. No fez suas

    tarefas, nem limpou o que

    sujou. No parecia se

    importar por seu quarto

    estar desarrumado e seu

    cabelo desgrenhado.

  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    Day two was even better! And by daythree, while Jesse found himself a littleitchy and uncomfortable, he was glad hedidn't have to bother with showering orwashing his hair.

    O segundo dia foi ainda melhor! Quandochegou o terceiro dia, apesar de Joel se sentirum pouco desconfortvel e com coceira,estava feliz por no ter que tomar banho nemlavar o cabelo.

  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    However, by the fourth day,when there were no cleandishes for Jesse to eat from,he began to wonder about

    his new way of living. Itseemed there wereinconveniences with thislifestyle too, but Jesseshrugged the thought away.

    Mas no quarto dia, quando

    no encontrou mais

    nenhum prato limpo para

    comer, Joel comeou a se

    perguntar sobre essa novaforma de viver. Parece que

    esse estilo de vida tambm

    tem inconvenientes, mas

    Joel rechaou aquele


  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    Coming back from a vigorous game ofsoccer on day five, Jesse noticed that

    both he and hisbedroom stank.His teeth were

    feeling prettyyucky, and heactually wantedto brush them,but he decidedhe could put upwith it a littlelonger. Hecouldn't help butnotice, however,that his friends

    weren't keen onhanging aroundhim. "Youreembarrassing tobe around and

    you smell bad," they said.

    No quinto dia, quando voltou de um vigorosojogo de futebol, Joel reparou que tanto elequanto o seuquarto estavamfedendo. Tinha

    uma sensaodesagradvelnos dentes, ena realidadesentia vontadede escov-los,mas decidiuque podiaesperar umpouco mais.Contudo, nopodia deixar deperceber queos amigos noqueriam ficarperto dele. -- desagradvel ficar perto de voc e voc cheira


  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    By day six, the flies that followed Jessewherever he went were becoming

    unbearable. Hehad thought that

    not having toworry aboutpersonal hygieneor cleaning upafter himselfwould be great,

    but now it wasturning into abother. Hisstomach hurt,he looked andfelt terrible, his

    friends hadstopped comingaround, and heeven had troublesleeping at night

    because he felt so dirty and gross and was

    always itchy.

    No sexto dia, Joel no suportava mais asmoscas que o seguiam por toda a parte. Eleachara que no terque se preocupar

    com sua higienepessoal ou limparo que sujava seriatimo, mas estavacomeando aincomodar. Seu

    estmago doia, elese sentiahorrivelmente male parecia horrvel,seus amigospararam de se

    aproximar dele, eat tinha dificuldadede dormir noite,porque se sentiato sujo e nojentoque estava sempre com coceira.

  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    By the end of the seventh day, Jesse was sickand tired of the filth and mess. He ended the

    experiment byvoluntarily taking a

    shower, followed bya bath, so that hecould soak and scrubhimself. He brushedhis teeth three timesin a row. He eagerly

    and cheerfullywashed the dishesand did an in-depthtidying-up of hisbedroom. He wassurprisingly thankful

    for washingmachines, dish soap,toothbrushes andtoothpaste, soap,

    shampoo, and a host of other items associatedwith cleaning and cleanliness. It was now clear

    to Jesse just how important daily hygiene was.

    No final do stimo dia, Joel estavacansado e enojado de sujeira e baguna.Ele mesmo ps um fim experincia tomando

    voluntariamente um bombanho de chuveiro e depoisum banho de imerso parapoder ficar de molho e seesfregar bem. Escovou osdentes trs vezes

    seguidas. Lavou a louacom alegria e entusiasmo,e fez uma boa arrumaono quarto. Para suasurpresa, ele se sentiamuito agradecido por

    mquinas de lavar,detergente, escovas dedentes, pasta de dentes,sabo, xampu e vriosoutros artigos de higiene e limpeza.Agora Joel via claramente como a

    higiene diria importante.

  • 8/13/2019 A Experincia da Higiene - The Hygiene Experiment


    Jesse's mom concluded that the week ofsuffering was worth it! Her previouslycontinual job of reminding and coaxingJesse to take care of himself and his

    things and to help out around the housewas now overforever.

    A me de Joel chegou concluso de queaquela semana de sofrimento valeu a pena!Agora, aquele trabalho contnuo de lembrare incentivar Joel a cuidar de si mesmo e das

    suas coisas e de ajudar na casa haviaacabado... para sempre.

    Histrias bilingues para crianas www.freekidstories.org

    Art and text courtesy of My Wonder Studio.
