2 adar 5778 6:00pm & 7:30pm - temple beth abraham, tarrytown,...

Mah Yafeh Hayom םֹ יוַ ה הֶ פַ ה יַ מText: unkown Music: Isaachar Miron Mah ya-feh ha-yom, Sha-bat shalom. (2X) ם.ֹ לו ת ש בַ ם, שֹ יוַ ה הֶ פַ ה יַ מSha-bat, Sha-bat shalom. (3X) ם.ֹ לו ת ש בַ ת, ש בַ שSha-bat shalom. ם.ֹ לו ת ש בַ שHow lovely is this day of Shabbat peace. Ivdu Et HaShem ת ה'ֶ א דְ בִ עText: Psalm 100:2 Music: unknown Iv-du et Ha-Shem b'-sim-chah, ה, חְ מִ שְ ת ה' בֶ א דְ בִ עIv-du et Ha-Shem b'-sim-chah! ה! חְ מִ שְ ת ה' בֶ א דְ בִ עbo-u l'fa-nav bir-na-nah, ה, נ נְ רִ יו ב נ פְ לאֹ בl'fa-nav bir-na-nah. ה. נ נְ רִ יו ב נ פְ לServe God with gladness! Come into God's presence with singing. Shalom Aleichem םֶ יכֵ לֲ ם עֹ לו שText: Kabbalistic Music: Israel Goldfarb Sha-lom a-lei-chem, mal-a-chei ha-sha-reit, ת,ֵ ר שַ י הֵ כֲ אְ לַ ם, מֶ יכֵ לֲ ם עֹ לו שmal-a-chei el-yon, ן,ֹ יוְ לֶ י עֵ כֲ אְ לַ מmi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ים,ִ כ לְ מַ י הֵ כְ לַ מֶ לֶ מִ מha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. א. ה ר ש בֹ דו קַ הBo-a-chem l'sha-lom, mal-a-chei ha-sha-lom, ם,ֹ לו שַ י הֵ כֲ אְ לַ ם, מֹ לו שְ ם לֶ כֲ אֹ בוmal-a-chei el-yon, ן,ֹ יוְ לֶ י עֵ כֲ אְ לַ מmi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ים,ִ כ לְ מַ י הֵ כְ לַ מֶ לֶ מִ מha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. א. ה ר ש בֹ דו קַ הBar'chu-ni l'sha-lom, mal-a-chei ha-sha-lom, ם,ֹ לו שַ י הֵ כֲ אְ לַ ם, מֹ לו שְ י לִ נֽ כְ ר בmal-a-chei el-yon, ן,ֹ יוְ לֶ י עֵ כֲ אְ לַ מmi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ים,ִ כ לְ מַ י הֵ כְ לַ מֶ לֶ מִ מha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. א. ה ר ש בֹ דו קַ הTseit-chem l'sha-lom, mal-a-chei ha-sha-lom, ם,ֹ לו שַ י הֵ כֲ אְ לַ ם, מֹ לו שְ ם לֶ כְ אתֵ צmal-a-chei el-yon, ן,ֹ יוְ לֶ י עֵ כֲ אְ לַ מmi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ים,ִ כ לְ מַ י הֵ כְ לַ מֶ לֶ מִ מha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. א. ה ר ש בֹ דו קַ הPeace be to you, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God. Enter in peace, O messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God. Bless me with peace, O messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God. Depart in peace, O messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God. Rabbi David K. Holtz Cantor Margot E.B. Goldberg Director of Temple Operations Stuart P. Skolnick Director of Education Rabbi Allison Berlinger Accompanists Katia Kravitz & Dror Perl Officers / Executive Committee President Jamie Wilson Executive (First) Vice President Jennifer Povman Recording Secretary Mark Polisar Treasurer Diane Gross Chairs Adult Education Bernice Rogowitz Board of Education Steve Gosset Fundraising/Development Julie Gur & Meredith Siegel House Roy Solomon Israel Marla Peers Member Services Linda Walter & Amy Friedman Ritual Herb Baer Tikkun Olam Melissa Baer & Andrea White Trustees Neil Bruckner Stuart Kolbert Loren Ratner Debra Drattell Ronit Lubell Risa Swersey Karen Filler Glen Markowitz Anna Weiss Dave Greenspoon Allison Moskowitz Amy Zerman Honorary Trustees Barry S. Agdern Robert Harris David Kaufmann Herb Baer Michael Karnes Farron Roboff Ruth Biloon Liza Karsten Pearl Ann Schwartz Allison Fine Dr. Richard Weiner Dr. Stephen Gerstman Robert Zinman Temple Beth Abraham's mission is to provide our congregants with opportunities to create meaningful connections to God, Torah, the Jewish People and the surrounding Community. We remember, with love, the Six Million whose lives were taken during the Holocaust. We also remember, with love, those who were taken from our midst this week in years past and commemorate the anniversaries of their passing. *Enshrined on the Memorial Tablet David Kuflik * Bertha Lazarus Albert Manheimer Abraham Perchick Max Plutner Monroe Postman Richard Ratner Blanche Reich * Samuel Riker Gloria Robertaccio * Dorothy Rothstein Nathan Savitch Hyman Schwab Ray Silverman Frederic Singer Charles Stockman Jay Tarlov Adi Vulej * Mollie Waxenfeld Harold Weiss Rose Becker * Leo Cohen * Nell Cohen Morris Cooper * Regina Davis * George Ellner * Ben D. Falber Sally Feinsilber Wendy Frank Lillian Gold David Goldberg * Edwin Goldfarb Alan Goldman Mary Gordon * Alex Heller Yetta Holzberg * Paul Jampol * Ethel Kalechman * Nathan Karp Harry Klein Sy Kolitch February 16-17, 2018 2 Adar 5778 6:00pm & 7:30pm T’rumah The music used in Temple Beth Abraham’s live and recorded streams is licensed with JLicense.com. Our sanctuary is equipped with a hearing induction loop. If you have a hearing aid or cochlear implant equipped with a t-coil, please flip the switch which engages the t-coil. The sound from the microphones will be transmitted directly to your hearing device. We recall those recently departed. Dorothy Litwin, mother of Richard, Robert and Ken Litwin Francis Lewis, mother of Ellen Lewis Gideon Mace Alter, father of Lynn, Alison and Peter Alter, and brother of Irene Schwartz Serve God with gladness! Come into God's presence with singing Psalm100 Week of February 11-17, 2018

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Page 1: 2 Adar 5778 6:00pm & 7:30pm - Temple Beth Abraham, Tarrytown, …tba-ny.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/7-Friday-night... · 2018-02-16 · * Nathan Karp Harry Klein Sy Kolitch February

Mah Yafeh Hayom ַמה ַיֶפה ַהיוֹם Text: unkown Music: Isaachar Miron

Mah ya-feh ha-yom, Sha-bat shalom. (2X) .לֹום ת שָּ ַמה ַיֶפה ַהיֹום, ַשבָּ

Sha-bat, Sha-bat shalom. (3X) .לֹום ת שָּ ת, ַשבָּ ַשבָּ

Sha-bat shalom. .לֹום ת שָּ ַשבָּ

How lovely is this day of Shabbat peace.

Ivdu Et HaShem 'ִעְבדּו ֶאת ה

Text: Psalm 100:2 Music: unknown

Iv-du et Ha-Shem b'-sim-chah, ,ה ִעְבדּו ֶאת ה' ְבִשְמחָּ

Iv-du et Ha-Shem b'-sim-chah! !ה ִעְבדּו ֶאת ה' ְבִשְמחָּ

bo-u l'fa-nav bir-na-nah, ,נָּיו ִבְרנָּנָּה ֹבאּו ְלפָּ

l'fa-nav bir-na-nah. .נָּיו ִבְרנָּנָּה ְלפָּ

Serve God with gladness! Come into God's presence with singing.

Shalom Aleichem לוֹם ֲעֵליֶכם שָׁText: Kabbalistic Music: Israel Goldfarb Sha-lom a-lei-chem, mal-a-chei ha-sha-reit, ,ֵרת לֹום ֲעֵליֶכם, ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהשָּ שָּ

mal-a-chei el-yon, ,ַמְלֲאֵכי ֶעְליֹון mi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ,ִכים ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמלָּha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. .רּוְך הּוא דֹוש בָּ ַהקָּ

Bo-a-chem l'sha-lom, mal-a-chei ha-sha-lom, ,לֹום לֹום, ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהשָּ בֹוֲאֶכם ְלשָּ

mal-a-chei el-yon, ,ַמְלֲאֵכי ֶעְליֹון mi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ,ִכים ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמלָּha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. .רּוְך הּוא דֹוש בָּ ַהקָּ

Bar'chu-ni l'sha-lom, mal-a-chei ha-sha-lom, ,לֹום לֹום, ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהשָּ ְרֽכּוִני ְלשָּ בָּ

mal-a-chei el-yon, ,ַמְלֲאֵכי ֶעְליֹון mi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ,ִכים ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמלָּha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. .רּוְך הּוא דֹוש בָּ ַהקָּ

Tseit-chem l'sha-lom, mal-a-chei ha-sha-lom, ,לֹום לֹום, ַמְלֲאֵכי ַהשָּ ֵצאְתֶכם ְלשָּ

mal-a-chei el-yon, ,ַמְלֲאֵכי ֶעְליֹון mi-me-lech ma-l'chei ha-m'la-chim, ,ִכים ִמֶמֶלְך ַמְלֵכי ַהְמלָּha-ka-dosh ba-ruch Hu. .רּוְך הּוא דֹוש בָּ ַהקָּ

Peace be to you, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God. Enter in peace, O messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God. Bless me with peace, O messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God. Depart in peace, O messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, the

supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed is God.

Rabbi David K. Holtz

Cantor Margot E.B. Goldberg

Director of Temple Operations Stuart P. Skolnick Director of Education Rabbi Allison Berlinger Accompanists Katia Kravitz & Dror Perl

Officers / Executive Committee President Jamie Wilson Executive (First) Vice President Jennifer Povman Recording Secretary Mark Polisar Treasurer Diane Gross

Chairs Adult Education Bernice Rogowitz Board of Education Steve Gosset Fundraising/Development Julie Gur & Meredith Siegel House Roy Solomon Israel Marla Peers Member Services Linda Walter & Amy Friedman Ritual Herb Baer Tikkun Olam Melissa Baer & Andrea White

Trustees Neil Bruckner Stuart Kolbert Loren Ratner Debra Drattell Ronit Lubell Risa Swersey Karen Filler Glen Markowitz Anna Weiss Dave Greenspoon Allison Moskowitz Amy Zerman

Honorary Trustees Barry S. Agdern Robert Harris David Kaufmann Herb Baer Michael Karnes Farron Roboff Ruth Biloon Liza Karsten Pearl Ann Schwartz Allison Fine Dr. Richard Weiner Dr. Stephen Gerstman Robert Zinman

Temple Beth Abraham's mission is to provide our congregants with opportunities to create meaningful connections to

God, Torah, the Jewish People and the surrounding Community.

We remember, with love, the Six Million whose lives were taken during the Holocaust.

We also remember, with love, those who were taken from our midst this week in years past and

commemorate the anniversaries of their passing.

*Enshrined on the Memorial Tablet

David Kuflik

* Bertha Lazarus

Albert Manheimer

Abraham Perchick

Max Plutner

Monroe Postman

Richard Ratner

Blanche Reich

* Samuel Riker

Gloria Robertaccio

* Dorothy Rothstein

Nathan Savitch

Hyman Schwab

Ray Silverman

Frederic Singer

Charles Stockman

Jay Tarlov

Adi Vulej

* Mollie Waxenfeld

Harold Weiss

Rose Becker

* Leo Cohen

* Nell Cohen

Morris Cooper

* Regina Davis

* George Ellner

* Ben D. Falber

Sally Feinsilber

Wendy Frank

Lillian Gold

David Goldberg

* Edwin Goldfarb

Alan Goldman

Mary Gordon

* Alex Heller

Yetta Holzberg

* Paul Jampol

* Ethel Kalechman

* Nathan Karp

Harry Klein

Sy Kolitch

February 16-17, 2018

2 Adar 5778

6:00pm & 7:30pm


The music used in Temple Beth Abraham’s live and recorded streams is licensed with JLicense.com.

Our sanctuary is equipped with a hearing induction

loop. If you have a hearing aid or cochlear implant

equipped with a t-coil, please flip the switch which

engages the t-coil. The sound from the microphones

will be transmitted directly to your hearing device.

We recall those recently departed.

Dorothy Litwin, mother of Richard, Robert and Ken Litwin

Francis Lewis, mother of Ellen Lewis Gideon

Mace Alter, father of Lynn, Alison and Peter Alter, and

brother of Irene Schwartz

Serve God with gladness! Come into God's presence with singing


Week of February 11-17, 2018

Page 2: 2 Adar 5778 6:00pm & 7:30pm - Temple Beth Abraham, Tarrytown, …tba-ny.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/7-Friday-night... · 2018-02-16 · * Nathan Karp Harry Klein Sy Kolitch February

Temple Beth Abraham Events February 17-24, 2018

Conservative Shabbat Service Sat Feb 17 9:00am

Movie Mavens Sat Feb 17 7:00pm

Mah Jongg Wed Feb 21 1:00pm

Israeli Dancing Wed Feb 21 7:00pm

Women’s Circle Fri Feb 23 5:45pm

Reform Shabbat Service Fri Feb 23 7:30pm

Conservative Shabbat Service Sat Feb 24 9:00am

The flowers on the Bimah and the Oneg are sponsored by Temple Beth Abraham

A robust endowment will allow us to innovate and try new, bold approaches that honor and expand upon our rich traditions, and

remain on the cutting edge of American worship and spiritual communities.

For information about how to get involved or to make a gift, contact Bridges Campaign Chair Gayle Aaron at [email protected] or

call Stuart Skolnick at the Temple.

Save The Date!

Saturday, April 28-TBA Gala honoring Rabbi Holtz for his

25 years at TBA!

Women’s Circle - Friday, February 23 at 5:45pm

Come celebrate, study, and explore Jewish Women's issues.

Members and Guests are welcome to attend. There is no

charge for this event and it ends in time to attend the

Reform Friday night services at 7:30pm.

FAMILY SHABBAT—Friday, March 2

Family Shabbat Dinner at 6:00pm

Family Shabbat Service with the 4th Grade at 7:00pm

The main course is chicken. You may have pasta instead if

requested at the time reservations are made.

RSVP and payment in advance please.

Dinner: Adults - $15.00 and Children (ages 2-12) - $10.00

RSVP by Monday, February 26, 2018

Tikkun Olan: Midnight Run—Saturday, March 10, 2018

We are collecting CASUAL MEN'S clothing in

the coatroom at TBA - jeans, corduroys,

chinos, T-shirts, long-sleeve T-shirts,

sweaters, hoodies, warm jackets, backpacks, travel-size toiletries,

disposable razors. NEW packages of men's briefs - M/L - and athletic

socks are greatly appreciated.

We will also need some families to make bag lunches (20 each) for the

Run. If you are interested in making food, participating in the Run, or

want more information about what is involved, please email

Steven Chang at: [email protected]

Israeli Folk Dancing

Wednesday, February 21 from 7:00-10:00pm

Beginning Instruction from 7:00-8:00pm

Open Dancing from 8:00-10:00pm

Whether you're a beginner or have been dancing for years, join the fun!

$10.00 for all Temple Beth Abraham Members - $15.00 for Guests -

$5.00 for all Junior High, High School, and College Students.

For more information contact [email protected]

Art Workshop

Wednesday, March 7, 2018 from 4:00-6:00pm

Join fellow congregants to create art in a relaxed,

supportive environment. No admission charge. Just

register and drop in. To register, or for more information, contact our

Art Workshop leader, Laurie Forman at

[email protected] or sign-up at the Temple Office.

Order Mishloach Manot Baskets For Your Friends And Congregants!

Temple Beth Abraham's Mishloach Manot Project is currently

under way. It's a mitzvah and it can be all done online so it's

easier than ever. If you have not received the email with info

about Happy Purim, please call the office and we will provide

the code needed for ordering online.

Deadline to order is THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, February 21.

To order online, please go to: www.tba.HappyPurim.com

Purim Dinner and Monster Shpiel

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

6:00pm Dinner

7:00pm Megillah Reading & Purim Shpiel

Join us for another year of excitement, fun, and laughter

at TBA's Annual Purim Dinner and Shpiel-A-Long!

There will be a dairy dinner including pizza, pasta choices, and salad.

Gluten-free options are available - please indicate when you RSVP.

Our Member Services Committee will be sponsoring the Purim Dinner so

there is NO CHARGE to attend. However, you MUST RSVP so we know

how many are attending. RSVP by Monday, February 26.

Bring a box of elbow pasta or bow ties to the service. Shake, Rattle, and

Roll your pasta box in place of a grogger! Then, we will donate them to

those in need.

Purim Carnival at TBA!

Sunday, March 4 from 11:00am to 1:00pm

ZEETY, TBA’s Senior Youth Group is in the midst of planning

this year’s TBA Purim Carnival. But, we can’t do it without

you! We are looking for adult and teen volunteers to help

with the Carnival.

We have three shifts available: 9:00-11:00am for setup,

11:00am-1:00pm to help at the Carnival, and 1:00-2:00pm for clean up.

High School students are eligible to receive volunteer credit for school.

We are also seeking donations for the raffle and the prize table.

We hope to make this year’s event even more fun!

Movie Mavens Present: Septembers of Shiraz

THIS Saturday, February 17 at 7:00pm

In the aftermath of the Iranian revolution, rare-gem dealer

Isaac Amin is arrested, wrongly accused of being a spy.

Terrified by his disappearance, his family must reconcile a new

world of cruelty and chaos with the collapse of everything they have

known. As Isaac navigates the terrors of prison, and his wife feverishly

searches for him, his children struggle with the realization that their

family may soon be forced to embark on a journey of incalculable

danger. Based on the novel by Dalia Sofer (who wrote the

screenplay). Starring Salma Hayek and Adrien Brody.

Eclectic Pictures, 2015, 110 min.

Coffee and Dessert served. Free for members.

The main office will be closed for Presidents' Day

on Monday, February 19 and will reopen at

9:00am on Tuesday, February 20.

Religious School will be closed February 18 - 25 for the Presidents'

Week Break. Classes will resume on Monday, February 26.

Have a fun and safe February Break!